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I have a couple questions for everyone.

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First off are there any perfect spec gears on the server?cuz no matter how hard i try i can't seem to get a perfect clean archer spec sagi,metal handcrossbow,let alone blaze shield and other armors that i'm trying to find that need to be perfect.

Second,when i'm aging and i get to +7 what specific type of stone do i need to get it to go from 7 to 8 and so on?

Please let me know,I'm still new to the server and any help would be awsome.

Thank You.

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perfect items do exist, they are very very (did i say very?) rare. And it's supposed to be that way, otherwise they wouldn't be special, somehow. You can donate for perfect items if you can't stand the fact to use a -1 -0 weapon or a -0.1 abs armor :P


as concerning sagi... it's useless, you level up so fast that you skip most of the weapons until level 8x-9x. As concerning the shield well, the possible combinations are way too many (6 specs + ns, a wide range of block, def and abs as well as spec stats + strenght requirements) so it's inevitable that a perfect blaze shield is probably more rare than dropping a lvl 120 weapon in et3...

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