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MS - PA and Metal Armor

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Hello, i have been asking some friends in game and they told me that the extra ABS you get from PA will work when you use Metal armor. But , mine is not working. Can you guys check if my character is bugged? Or its not suppose to stack?

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14 minutes ago, Terror13lade said:

Hello, i have been asking some friends in game and they told me that the extra ABS you get from PA will work when you use Metal armor. But , mine is not working. Can you guys check if my character is bugged? Or its not suppose to stack?

Yep, working fine here.
225 base ABS. When i use MA goes to 311 ABS.
Have you PA lvl 10 and MA lvl 10? You just need to use MA. You CAN'T use PA together.

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I have. Oh, i dont need to active PA then MA for the extra ABS? Its like a passive skill?

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12 minutes ago, Terror13lade said:

I have. Oh, i dont need to active PA then MA for the extra ABS? Its like a passive skill?

When you use MA, you use PA as passive. You don't need to use it manually

14 minutes ago, Dawngorn said:

Yep, working fine here.
225 base ABS. When i use MA goes to 311 ABS.
Have you PA lvl 10 and MA lvl 10? You just need to use MA. You CAN'T use PA together.

PA lvl 10 = +38 ABS
But MA have 200% chain. So, you will get 38ABS x2 = 76 ABS

My base ABS is 225 + 76 ABS(200%chain MA) = 301
But MA have Armor's DEF boost too. The game formula to ABS is: 100 DEF = 1 ABS
So, I have 225 Base ABS + 76 ABS by Chained skill + 10abs for Def boost by MA = 311

Edited by Dawngorn

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