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How do i get rid of my quest weapon?

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In one of my other threads i was told that you could drop your quest weapon,in my case it's the mist.

Could someone please explain to me how to do this?i was trying for ever and i could not get it to drop,yet i seen some people do it,but they ran off before i could ask them how they were doing it.

So please,if you could tell me how to do this that would be soooo awsome,

Yes i'm still a noob to this server.

Thank You.

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All you have to do is:


*Fill up your inventory so there is no space for the Quest Weapon (QW)

*Put the QW in some place (second inventory or secondary weapon)

*Trade someone

*Before they accept the trade request, pick up the QW (click on it) and press E or W (depending were you putted it), so there is no space for the QW anymore

*Cancel the trade

*When a trade is over, all items go back to some place. Since the QW is in your "hand" and there is no place for it to go, it'll fall on the floor



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