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expansion for pikes

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imma pike that solos alot and relies on the and attack that expansion gives me and most my clannies r the same so i feel there shouldnt be a delay

or atleast give tornado some good damage and chain lancer a chance to stop missing 7 outta 10 hits ok done complaining hope this helps or fellow


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Expasion was OP in PvP


Ask for Sandy a better tornado then =P

Or increase your agility to stop missing the Cl's

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Yes.. DMG on Tornado should go up abit


NO expansion is really skill. be a pro dont use BUG skill.

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If you people want a boost on Tornado maybe you should post your opinions (with arguments) on the pikeman's balance topic, no? All I see there is people telling me I should NOT boost Tornado. And I have to be the one to come up with thousands of arguments to make 'em change their minds and hopefully get a reaaaally small boost on Tornado.


I mean, if you don't complain there, there's no point complaining here.

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High attack power + insane critical... and you want less missing?


I said something along the same lines in another pikeman topic. If they want to miss less I'm happy to give that to them, but with nerfs on damage or critical to keep it balanced. Having all 3 as you implied, is clearly beyond OP like how they were on retail when BC was first released.


To me the decision is up to pikemans and what they say their class should be. Should it be as is, with the highest damage potential, or would they prefer it to work more similarly to the other classes that don't have as much of a gambling aspect but do far more consistent damage?


If the gambling aspect with high damage is what they say they play the class for then there isn't a reason to change it. If they like other attributes or want more balanced ability distribution, then the latter would be the more favorable option.


I'm not a pikeman so I won't give an opinion on why to play the class or how it should be. Its clear for all of us however, you can't have everything in one for balance sake of the game. The decision is up for them to choose if they want to make a suggestion for a change.

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If that's up to work as other classes better create other chars then... pikes got a porpouse, they miss a lot and there's a reason for that

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High attack power + insane critical... and you want less missing?


u know nothing.


i have mech 125 full set 115 +20, well compare that abs to pikes abs then the difference is insanely hughe. but the funny thing is that mech has a golem, mech with high def and abs but still have golem to tank for him, that is ridiculous


hight def + abs + summon ? <== these things make me cant stand mech

I decided to give it to my friend to play it, and i think he is an idiot when playing a mech. Im laughing at him now lol

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they mean that expansion is rigged in PVP.


Mech tank is bugged/not working right in PVP

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High attack power + insane critical... and you want less missing?


u know nothing.


i have mech 125 full set 115 +20, well compare that abs to pikes abs then the difference is insanely hughe. but the funny thing is that mech has a golem, mech with high def and abs but still have golem to tank for him, that is ridiculous


hight def + abs + summon ? <== these things make me cant stand mech

I decided to give it to my friend to play it, and i think he is an idiot when playing a mech. Im laughing at him now lol

So what, you don't like mech? Good for you

But this topic is about pikes

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if pike need more

else need more too


all char have benefit/loss point


and last to trust, sunderr know

how to make skill balance to be



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