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attack power on Spec weapons

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Lv/6 is stronger.


Say you are level 60, that would mean your level (60) divided by 6 would give you 10 extra attack.


If you have Lv/7 at level 60 it would be less than 10 attack for sure. 


:) :)


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then how come all the lower lvl weapons have attk pow lvl/5 and such? aren't they suppose to be weaker? ummmm....

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then how come all the lower lvl weapons have attk pow lvl/5 and such? aren't they suppose to be weaker? ummmm....


because they have lower base power, which doesn't make up for the lv/5.


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then how come all the lower lvl weapons have attk pow lvl/5 and such? aren't they suppose to be weaker? ummmm....


because they have lower base power, which doesn't make up for the lv/5.


ok so attk pow lvl/6 is stronger than attk pow lvl/7.... thanks

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