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Best Damage skill solo 1 mob exp

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Whats the best most powerful skill to use on solo mob?

Im lvl 96 and have only been using cyclone up until now


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Avenge Crash + Destroyer.

Bone Crash + Destroyer ( Demon monster)

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Ok thanks.

But why Avenge crash + destroyer and not just focus on either one of them?

am i missing something here?

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I find dest to be a waste of time usually because usually miss on at least 1 or 2 hits. thus making less combined damage than 1 AC which rarely misses


I think they need to UP the dmg boost for PVE of Destroyer to like 200% instead of 150. if nothing else give it a much higher demon vs attribute.... because BC is already 200% demon vs. and has ATR add. if you miss 2 hits of Dest its not as good as 1 BC either.  lets go total skill dmg  = 400% demon vs?

they could also give it ATr but then it will be OP with the crit....

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