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what is Godly Shield ?

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i'm new k9 player, i don't understand Divine Shield how to work. IF DS lv10, then


1: a undead monsters  hit u 100hp, u will only - 10hp

2: a undead monsters  hit u 100hp, u will +90hp

3: u hit a undead monsters  100hp, u will +90hp


Which one?



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Why do ppl call a Knight k9? You know k9's are dogs, right..?


I think it's option 1.


Why am I replying to an old topic...

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some PEOPLE call knights








knight special


knight = knight.

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please answer back to topic lamo ....


red ..... the answer is 2

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Why do ppl call a Knight k9? You know k9's are dogs, right..?



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totally agree with that.. why K9.. =.=" LOL KS is a much better abbreviation.. D:

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Godly Shield adds 20% (lv10) of ABS rating, + 100% of Devine Shield current Block rate. Only block rate, the HP conversion isn't linked.

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KS = knight spect for any items and its different to knight

same with FS ( fighter spect), PS, MS,...etc

Kina is knight in portuguese I think

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Even Kn8 makes more sense than k9, and Kn8 still doesn't make a lot of sense.


Kneight <=> Knine.


I hate people who say K9 and Kina, pisses me off.

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Kina is a Brazilian fast way to call knights


K9 is a way to piss, but, Kina, no.


The sound of Kina to us isnt "Kinay", its somewhat "Kiny"

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thus the block rate of the divine shield chain to godly shield?


how thus i chain ?, when godly shields chain block rate of the shield. not mentioned the divine shield.


i rely nid clarifications.. thnx.. ::)

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thus the block rate of the divine shield chain to godly shield?


how thus i chain ?, when godly shields chain block rate of the shield. not mentioned the divine shield.


i rely nid clarifications.. thnx.. ::)


When you use Godly Shield, 100% of block rate from Divine Shield is chained (just use godly shield). But you won't get undead absorption, only the block rate from divine shield.

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LOL! k9 = knight= k+night = k+nice (vietnamese read "night" same "nice") :)) = k9 ;D ;D ;D


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