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S> Sell 3 magic chars

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Priestess lvl 125

Robe 120 clean

Orb 124 clean

Bracelet 106 BOM

Gaunt 124 Bellum mix

Boots 124 Bellum mix

Wand 122 +7

Staff 120 Bellum mix

(I have orb lvl 100 +21 and robe 116 +16) will sell separatedly


Mage lvl 125

Robe 116 +12

Orb 122 bellum mix

Staff 120 bellum mix

Bracelet 114 bellum mix

Gaunts and Boots 124 bellum mix

Wand 122 BOM


Shaman lvl 124 (C/O is 300kk + 100 coins)

Robe 124 bellum mix

Orb 124 bellum mix

Phantom 122 clean

Brac 106 BOM

Gaunts and boots 124 bellum mix


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