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Wartale --> Incompetent? or Conniving?

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Always knows, AND SEE, that -Pause- , -Prince- use or abuse of LAG


why don´t do nothing?


they are good donators?


how much we have to pay to do justice?


ur BLIND? or u don´t want to see?


lots of VIETS (And Just VIETS) using trade hackers, and NEVER do nothing..




so how much need?

i´m sure that we can handdle if the problem is ammount of donations!

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Go make ur own server and play alone if you are unhappy!

thank you come next time!

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another one that protect "friends"


don´t like, don´t post..


server very good,


but blind or conniving gm... or very very very very very very very very ²²³³³ busy

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proctect "friends"? learn more about respect so maybe people will respect WHAT U THINK, until this time , dont post bullsh1tz nigg@z!

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point to me ,


WHERE i desrespect someone!!


plz show me!



Look at the REPORT section (If u don´t Read nothing) and see if i´m saying something isn´t true


KuteGirl ksing some party yesterday for 12h OR +


GM LOGGED in game, and didn´t do anything...


u see this?


if u don´t see, bether U STFU and open ur eyes too


bullshit is protect who ruin ur server, or do u thing that all other people that play honestly will stay forever here?!?


why VietPT broke?

Look to BrasilPT, and try to see how many people stopped because of hackers (i was one of them)


if u can´t see, sorry, but ur blind too

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Already on ban list


thats for -prince-


so look and quit crying.

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that'z wat iam talk1ng bout nigga read ya post again n' think 2ince!

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Already on ban list


thats for -prince-


so look and quit crying.


and do u think that he´ll be PERM ban?


u really believe?

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Already on ban list


thats for -prince-


so look and quit crying.


and do u think that he´ll be PERM ban?


u really believe?


honestly every report on him except a new one has no proof of anyone.

someone finally got smart and decided to make a video.

but trying to report using pictures for lag is just pathetic to think that would work.

and you think your whining will solve anything?


if you want someone to get banned prove enough evidence towards the case,

that they can't say no to banning him.


but most people have been like

"here pic, ban plz"


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Right motives to get angry.

Wrong person to shout at and offend.

Extremely wrong way to complain.


Wartale is very dedicated, but he's busy with not just the server development, but the hole Priston Tale game. He has surpassed Yedang and I'm sure he wants to keep the title. He's not the right GM for executing blocks and bans, maybe we're in need of new Staff for the job, witch I agree with you: is not being done enough.


(Motivos corretos para se zangar.

Pessoa errada para gritar e ofender.

Jeito extremamente errôneo de reclamar.


Wartale é dedicado sim, mas ele já é muito ocupado com o desenvolvimento não só do server, como do próprio Priston Tale, afinal, ele já superou a Yedang e tenho certeza de que quer manter o título. Ele não é o GM certo pra executar os bloqueios, talvez estejemos necessitando de novos moderadores / GMs, afinal concordo com você: isso não está sendo feito em um nível suficiente.)

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Guest TFSE

You can enjoy your forum ban. As for insulting Wartale...I'll let Wartale deal with that.

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