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Tampered Knight

FS's Hellions

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Tampered Knight

My FS is 92, and Hellions level 3, but cannot use this skill... how do I use it? And when i tried the Fire Weapon skill at level 1, it says "unavailable" ?

Edited by Tampered Knight

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Make sure you have enough mana to summon them, and about the Fire Weapon Skill, It hasn't been released yet.

Edited by Lyseria

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enough mana ? u need set boos for increase mana :) . and the hellions only pick gold +30 level and must be click on monster

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Tampered Knight

I will probably do it at level 100 lol. I think I will max it first, then inner soul. Now level 5 Hellions.

But I'm not sure if I'm building my FS correctly. Currently 94 and:

Weapons Mastery 10
Brutal Swing 10, Avenging Clash 10
Swift Axe 9
Cyclone 10
Berserk 4, Boost HP 3

And the rest level 1..

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No , Mana to summon Pet . per 300 or 400 . i don't remember , FS lv 100 can't reach that mana , if u build spi more :D . however what will u do with fs ?? Farming gold or training ?

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Tampered Knight


Farming gold mostly. I plan to use bellum mix on armor, and small mixes on boots to reach the required mana to cast :X 

My spirit is currently 80.

I'm sure if I should reset then only put Hellion 1, the rest Inner Soul..
Then Concentration 10 & BC 10, then Brutal Swing 1, Avenging Clash 1.

Edited by Tampered Knight

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -
38 minutes ago, Tampered Knight said:


Farming gold mostly. I plan to use bellum mix on armor, and small mixes on boots to reach the required mana to cast :X 

My spirit is currently 80.

I'm sure if I should reset then only put Hellion 1, the rest Inner Soul..
Then Concentration 10 & BC 10, then Brutal Swing 1, Avenging Clash 1.

inner soul is essential for 1v1 gameplay, such as hunt and pvp, but it's bad for Cyclone, inner soul might increase a lot the attack rating, but it reduces crit chance by -2%, since cyclone can't miss, attack rating is useless, anyway, cyclone has critical chance , so inner souls actually reduces cyclone efficiency by reducing crit chance.

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2 hours ago, Tampered Knight said:


Farming gold mostly. I plan to use bellum mix on armor, and small mixes on boots to reach the required mana to cast :X 

My spirit is currently 80.

I'm sure if I should reset then only put Hellion 1, the rest Inner Soul..
Then Concentration 10 & BC 10, then Brutal Swing 1, Avenging Clash 1.


I recommend you buying a casual/elegant student uniform costume, they add 300+ MP so you can forget to upgrade unnecessary spirit. You would need to carry it always with you (can keep it on costume slot sonit doesn't use inventory space)

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Tampered Knight
On 5/2/2018 at 8:36 PM, kenibok said:


I recommend you buying a casual/elegant student uniform costume, they add 300+ MP so you can forget to upgrade unnecessary spirit. You would need to carry it always with you (can keep it on costume slot sonit doesn't use inventory space)

Hmm, so I'll wear the costume just for casting, then revert back to normal armor later? i find if I wear only the casual uniform the entire time, I get destroyed by the mobs quickly using 2H weapons.. 

Edited by Tampered Knight

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1 hour ago, Tampered Knight said:

Hmm, so I'll wear the costume just for casting, then revert back to normal armor later? i find if I wear only the casual uniform the entire time, I get destroyed by the mobs quickly using 2H weapons.. 

Yeah. Basically put on on the school uniform, drink mana potion (as you will add 300 MP wearing the new armor) , cast hellions, switch armor. Repeat every 300 seconds. You may have to run away from mobs to do this if you cant survive long enough during the switch/cast.

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You can also lvl Roar up, if you are looking to just farm gold at this moment.... it helps a lot during the switches! xD


And, as - D E A T H S T R O K E - stated, do not use Inner Soul while you are cycloning your heart out.

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12 hours ago, Tampered Knight said:

Hmm, so I'll wear the costume just for casting, then revert back to normal armor later? i find if I wear only the casual uniform the entire time, I get destroyed by the mobs quickly using 2H weapons.. 

Oh nono, I didn't mean that. As people told u above, only switch to cast hellions, your armor will always be better

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Tampered Knight

Okay, I get it now. I tried everyone's suggestions and it works. Thanks! I guess I should level 10 Roar, then followed by bone crush, then Concentration? Now I have to decide between beserk first or max HP first. Currently Max HP 4, Beserk 6..Not sure if I should go to 7 because.. Duration drops from 300 seconds to 30 seconds?


Edited by Tampered Knight
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yeah, but level 8 will change it back to 300 seconds for 150 attack power.
Berserker basically levels as

Lvl 1 - add atk pow buff but 30 sec 
Lvl 2 - same atk pow as Lvl 1 but now  300 sec duration

Lvl 3 - add atk pow buff (higher than Lvl 1/2) but 30 sec 
Lvl 4 - same atk pow as Lvl 3 but now 300 sec duration


check out the level skill tree here on the website for fighters. 


Edited by danyew

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