DevilMetal 0 Report post Posted March 18, 2011 do you also change the skills' sound effects? Man... i'm already working in a new Patch for the magician and it includes new sound effects... Sound make a great impact with the animation sequence... so that is why i'm working in sound now... in 2 or 3 days i'll post new topic with new video and new download links with magician skills... and maybe some new effects for FS Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cuteako316 12 Report post Posted April 27, 2011 +1 for this effects.. I saw your remodeled magician skills..very like the new spirit cool 8) cant wait for the new effects to be available 2 thumbs up for this! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Melocrie 0 Report post Posted April 27, 2011 Dude I gotta say, you are one friggin genius. I won't use it myself because it's too much distraction in my opinion, but the way you made this stuff is just amazing. You must be one heck of a patient fellow. o_0 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cuteako316 12 Report post Posted April 28, 2011 @devil may i ask..why do i still get the effects of my old magician skill + the new one? how can i make the new one only visible? thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Melocrie 0 Report post Posted April 28, 2011 Dude, can you help me find the particle script for Force of Nature (as skill)?? I can't find it anywhere, I've looked all over the place <_< Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cuteako316 12 Report post Posted April 28, 2011 @devil i'll just extract it in the effect folder right? I want the dias and energy shield effect Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Melocrie 0 Report post Posted April 28, 2011 Wth is a .lua..? Np, iGoogle ;D But thanks a lot man, you're awesome! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rkokie 6 Report post Posted April 28, 2011 Lua is just for t4 skills right?, just some sort of updated particle scripts I guess Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Melocrie 0 Report post Posted April 28, 2011 Looks like it. Okay here's the deal: I want this circle to appear and rotate under my feet when I use FoN, like what happens to morions when they use magic. I tried to use other scripts as a template for this, but they are two different kinds of code, so yea that's basically no use... Maybe I should look at some tutorial sometime. Is there like any software for particle script editing? For dummies? Btw if I can provide you the image for what I just mentioned, you think you can write the effect? Omg it JUST hit me what the a is in rgba. I mean, red, green, blue, aight... but a?? a = alpha, transparacy level, right? o_0 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rkokie 6 Report post Posted April 28, 2011 You could be right there with the alpha , btw you could try to search for the t4 skills for knights, gods blessing. it has a circle around you and I guess that will be a lua file too Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rkokie 6 Report post Posted April 28, 2011 \Effect\NewEffect\SkillSaintNightGodsBless.lua Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JoeHandsome 1 Report post Posted April 28, 2011 Looks like it. Okay here's the deal: I want this circle to appear and rotate under my feet when I use FoN, like what happens to morions when they use magic. I tried to use other scripts as a template for this, but they are two different kinds of code, so yea that's basically no use... Maybe I should look at some tutorial sometime. Is there like any software for particle script editing? For dummies? Btw if I can provide you the image for what I just mentioned, you think you can write the effect? Omg it JUST hit me what the a is in rgba. I mean, red, green, blue, aight... but a?? a = alpha, transparacy level, right? o_0 Correct About tuts, you won't be able to find any (at least not any that fits to priston tale's particle system). Wartale has made his own particle system (also coded in lua) that will be used to make 5 tier skills. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rkokie 6 Report post Posted April 28, 2011 Devilmetal made some sort of tut on Upt forums a while ago: K... lets start creating your own skill... the first thing you have to do is choose which skill you want to modify.. but is right there when you start to have problems.. because you can't modify ALL the skills, only those "skill animations" that are in the script folder (...UniquePTfolder/Effect/Particle/Script).. To determine which skill are in the script folder it is very simple! DEL IT lol!! yes, but don't forget to make a backup, then enter the game with the character that you want to modify the skill and use the skill that you want to modify and see if it still working correctly... if it is not then you are lucky, and if the skill is working correctly you can't change it using the Script ... Now go to (...UniquePTfolder/Effect/Particle/Script) course don't forget restoring the folder with the files !!! and now you will open this folder and start deleting a few "xxxxxx.part" and login game and see if the animation that you deleted correspond to the skill that you want to modify... Using this method you can determine too which "xxxxxx.part" archive correspond to the skill ( some skills have 2 or 3 or 4 "xxxxxxx.part" to make the complete animation ... for example... Following down This is the meteors that come from the sky and hit the ground - TerrainFire.part This is the explosion of each meteor that hits the ground - FireBigHIt1.part What i did to make the ion cannon... i just deleted the TerrainFiere.part and modifyed the FireBigHIt1.part to look like and Ion Cannon... you can create almost any kind of animation but you have to make lots of tests... and to make a really diferent animation you can create your own Particles that is in the (...UniquePTfolder/Effect/Particle) OK now starting... Lest imagine that you picked Diastrophism to modify... ok this one is not hard to find because it name is "Skill3MagicianDiastrophism1.part" which is very obvious !!! but becarefull!! some names are really obvious but when you change it some times it doesn't work because the name correspond to the name of the skill and not to the skill animation... ok then you chosed dias... now you will open it with the "Notepad"/"Bloco de notas" and you will see this... following down. -----Skill3MagicianDiastrophism1.part----- particlesystem "OmiCronHit1" 1.00 { position = XYZ(0,0,0) eventsequence "faeries" { sourceblendmode = BLEND_LAMP loops = 1 numparticles = 80 gravity = XYZ(0,-20,0) emitrate = 50 emitradius = xyz(random(-80,80),10,random(-80,80)) lifetime = 3 texture = "effect\\particle\\Dust1.bmp" initial size = 70 initial color = rgba(255,150,50,255) initial velocity = XYZ(random(-5,5),random(-5,60),random(-5,5)) fade so at 1.5 color = rgba(0,0,0,0) fade so final size = 12 } eventsequence "Black1" { sourceblendmode = BLEND_LAMP numparticles = 20 gravity = XYZ(0,-220,0) emitradius = xyz(random(-50,50),random(0,30),random(-50, 50)) emitrate = 150 loops = 2 lifetime = Random(0.2, 2) texture = "effect\\particle\\star03Y_01.bmp" initial color = rgba(255,150,50,255) initial size = random(15,20) initial velocity = XYZ(random(-40,40),random(100,150),random(-40,40)) fade so at 0.1 color = rgba(255,150,50,255) fade so final color = rgba(0,0,0,0) fade so final size = 20 } eventsequence "FuryRespawn" { sourceblendmode = BLEND_LAMP particletype = TYPE_TWO loops = 3 delay = 0.05 numparticles = 1 gravity = XYZ(0,0,0) emitrate = 100 emitradius = xyz(0,10,0) lifetime = 0.7 texture = "effect\\particle\\m_futy.bmp" initial size = 50 initial color = rgba(200,200,200,200) initial velocity = XYZ(0,0,0) fade so at 0.1 color = rgba(255,255,255,255) fade so final color = rgba(0,0,0,0) fade so final size = 250 } } } Don't be afraid it is not so hard as it appears to be... Each "eventsequence" will use the corresponding particle that is writen in "texture = "effect\\particle\\xxxxxx.BMP/TGA" the particles are in the previous folder Each one of this things is a diferent way of view of the particle... you really need to make tests to see which one does... the are plenty diferent eventsequences they all make a diferent view of the particle so... i can't say for you the efect of each one the normal dias uses these eventsequences eventsequence "FuryRespawn" eventsequence "Black1" eventsequence "faeries" Particle: Is a image that when it appear in the game it can move, it can chage its size , change its color , turn , spin , twist But it will act acording the ParticleSystem that this particle is in. ( NEVER CHANGE THE PARTICLE SYSTEM or it won't work ) Sourceblendmode: I don't know a fruiting thing about it !!! But at "= BLEND_LAMP" when a particle is above another that is "= BLEND_LAMP" too , it will be brigther. Exemple: if 100 particle from the same eventsequence are in the same place they will be really brighter ( depending in the "rgba(x,x,x,THIS LAST ONE IS THE BRIGHT INTENSITY") And when the Sourceblendmode is = to BLEND_INVSHADOW insted be brighter it is darker i don't know.. Particletype: I don't know what it does and i even have a idea... if you figure out tell me please Loops: Loop means how many times this eventsequence will repeat ( just work with whole numbers ) EXEMPLE: Loops = 2 ( it will reapeat 2 times ). Loops = 1,2 ( it won't work ) Delay: Is how long it will take to the eventsequence begin ( it works with non-whole numbers ) Numparticles: It is how many particles will appaer in the eventsequence ( it is directly related to emitrate ) Gravity: XYZ (x,y,z) respectively. I will give and exemple because this is kinda hard to explain... if you put XYZ (0,100,0) the particle will accelerated with "100G" it will fall down ,and if you put XYZ (0,-100,0) the particle will accelerate with "-100G" it will "fall" up ! ! !. Emitrate: It means the "spawn" rate of the particle. Exemple: if the "emitrate = 5000" and the "numparticle = 10" you will see only one particle ( all the 10 particles spawned so fast that they are in the same place ), i think you can put random values in emitrate too i never tested... but i'm quite sure that you can put ramdom values ( i will explain how to put random values and what they do in the lifetime ) Emitradius: The emitradius is where the particle will appear. Exemple if the "emitradius = xyz(0,-10,0)" the particles will spawn under the floor, if the "emitradius = xyz(0,0,0)" the particle will spawn in the same heigh of your character feets ( in the line of the floor ) Lifetime: The lifetime if how long the particle will exist. You can use random lifetimes too . Exemple: "lifetime = 0.7"or you can make this "lifetime = random(0.7,1)" now some particles will exist more time than other particles( you can only put 2 values separated with a "," the minimum lifetime and the maximum lifetime ) Texture: The texture is the particle... i allready explained in the Particle Initial size: It IS! the initial size of the particle !!! you can put random values too Initial color: the initial color is allways in rgba(0/255,/0255,/0255,0/255) the first slot is the RED intensity the second slot is the GREEN intensity the third slot is the BLUE intensity and the final slot is the BRIGHT intensity Initial velocity: this works almost the same as gravity , but it doesn't accelerates... you can put random values too. EXEMPLE: "initial velocity = XYZ(random(0,2.2),random(1,2),random(0.1,2)" NOW everithing that have "Initial something" you don't need to put "Final something" or "Fade so final something" or "At value x something" to work. now i will say what is fade so final,fade so at,at value x. EXEMPLE: lifetime = 2 initial size = 50 initial color = rgba(200,200,200,200) initial velocity = XYZ(0,0,0) fade so at 0.1 color = rgba(255,255,255,255) fade so final color = rgba(0,0,0,0) at 1 size = 250 at x something = y means that at the X time it will instantly change the value to y fade so final something = y means that it will gradually change the value to y fade so at x something = y means that the value will gradually change ultil it get the X time OK now i will put another things that dias don't have like... following down. Initial / final / fade so final / at / fade so at partangleX = value x Initial / final / fade so final / at / fade so at partangleY = value x Initial / final / fade so final / at / fade so at partangleZ = value x Initial / final / fade so final / at / fade so at PartAngle = xyz(0,0,0) ( carefull with this one ( it bugs a lot )) Initial / final / fade so final / at / fade so at sizeExt = value x at X eventtimer = Y the partangle is the angle (min value=0 max value=360/-360 ) that the particle will be, simple as that.. if you put initial part angle = 0 and then put the final partangle = 360 the particle will spin... the size Ext is kinda lol... it make the particle stretch how bigger the value it stretch more the "at x eventtimer" is a kind of infinite loop, if the event last x time ( depends on how many particle you put and how much is the emitrate ) when the time get x the time will back or avance to y...( when using this don't use Loop ( just delete the Loop ) ( this is good to use for Buff skills ) everithing that uses "XYZ(...)" you can erese that "XYZ" and put befor the "=" the axis that you want to change If you still reading this , you can add new things on the eventsequence and add new eventsequences too like this.. ( my modifyed diastrophism ) ( don't try to copy this becouse i used other particles that you for sure don't have ) My Diastrophism ( Wrath Shock Wave ) particlesystem "OmiCronHit1" 1.00 { position = XYZ(0,0,0) eventsequence "FuryRespawn" { sourceblendmode = BLEND_LAMP particletype = TYPE_TWO loops = 1 numparticles = 16 gravity = XYZ(0,0,0) emitrate = 200 emitradius = xyz(0,10,0) lifetime = random(0.3,0. texture = "effect\\particle\\flare3.bmp" initial size = 300 initial color = rgba(20,20,20,20) initial velocity = XYZ(0,0,0) fade so at 0.1 color = rgba(100,100,100,100) initial partAngleX = random(360,0) fade so final color = rgba(0,0,0,0) fade so final size = 1 fade so final partangleX = random(0,360) } eventsequence "FuryRespawn" { sourceblendmode = BLEND_LAMP particletype = TYPE_TWO loops = 1 numparticles = 16 gravity = XYZ(0,0,0) emitrate = 200 emitradius = xyz(0,10,0) lifetime = random(0.3,0. texture = "effect\\particle\\flare3.bmp" initial size = 300 initial color = rgba(20,20,20,20) initial velocity = XYZ(0,0,0) initial partangley = 45 fade so at 0.1 color = rgba(100,100,100,100) initial partAngleX = random(360,0) fade so final color = rgba(0,0,0,0) fade so final size = 1 fade so final partangleX = random(0,360) } eventsequence "FuryRespawn" { sourceblendmode = BLEND_LAMP particletype = TYPE_TWO loops = 1 numparticles = 16 gravity = XYZ(0,0,0) emitrate = 200 emitradius = xyz(0,10,0) lifetime = random(0.3,0. texture = "effect\\particle\\flare3.bmp" initial size = 300 initial color = rgba(20,20,20,20) initial velocity = XYZ(0,0,0) initial partangley = 90 fade so at 0.1 color = rgba(100,100,100,100) initial partAngleX = random(360,0) fade so final color = rgba(0,0,0,0) fade so final size = 1 fade so final partangleX = random(0,360) } eventsequence "FuryRespawn" { sourceblendmode = BLEND_LAMP particletype = TYPE_TWO loops = 1 numparticles = 16 gravity = XYZ(0,0,0) emitrate = 200 emitradius = xyz(0,10,0) lifetime = random(0.3,0. texture = "effect\\particle\\flare3.bmp" initial size = 300 initial color = rgba(20,20,20,20) initial velocity = XYZ(0,0,0) fade so at 0.1 color = rgba(100,100,100,100) initial partAngleZ = random(0,360) fade so final color = rgba(0,0,0,0) fade so final size = 1 fade so final partangleZ = random(360,0) } eventsequence "FuryRespawn" { sourceblendmode = BLEND_LAMP particletype = TYPE_TWO loops = 1 numparticles = 25 gravity = XYZ(0,0,0) emitrate = 200 emitradius = xyz(0,0,0) lifetime = 0.5 texture = "effect\\particle\\m_futy - Cópia (2).bmp" initial size = 50 initial color = rgba(20,20,20,20) initial velocity = XYZ(0,0,0) fade so at 0.1 color = rgba(100,100,100,100) initial partAngleZ = random(0,360) fade so final color = rgba(0,0,0,0) fade so final size = 400 } eventsequence "FuryRespawn" { sourceblendmode = BLEND_LAMP particletype = TYPE_TWO loops = 1 numparticles = 25 gravity = XYZ(0,0,0) emitrate = 200 emitradius = xyz(0,0,0) lifetime = 0.5 texture = "effect\\particle\\m_futy - Cópia (2).bmp" initial size = 50 initial color = rgba(20,20,20,20) initial velocity = XYZ(0,0,0) fade so at 0.1 color = rgba(100,100,100,100) initial partAngleX = random(360,0) fade so final color = rgba(0,0,0,0) fade so final size = 400 } eventsequence "FuryRespawn" { sourceblendmode = BLEND_LAMP particletype = TYPE_TWO loops = 1 numparticles = 25 gravity = XYZ(0,0,0) emitrate = 200 emitradius = xyz(0,0,0) lifetime = 0.5 texture = "effect\\particle\\m_futy - Cópia (2).bmp" initial size = 50 initial color = rgba(20,20,20,20) initial velocity = XYZ(0,0,0) fade so at 0.1 color = rgba(100,100,100,100) initial partAngleY = 45 initial partAngleX = random(360,0) fade so final color = rgba(0,0,0,0) fade so final size = 400 } eventsequence "FuryRespawn" { sourceblendmode = BLEND_LAMP particletype = TYPE_TWO loops = 1 numparticles = 25 gravity = XYZ(0,0,0) emitrate = 200 emitradius = xyz(0,0,0) lifetime = 0.5 texture = "effect\\particle\\m_futy - Cópia (2).bmp" initial size = 50 initial color = rgba(20,20,20,20) initial velocity = XYZ(0,0,0) fade so at 0.1 color = rgba(100,100,100,100) initial partAngleY = 315 initial partAngleX = random(360,0) fade so final color = rgba(0,0,0,0) fade so final size = 400 } } OMG.. i don't know more what to say... LOL with all this things that i said try make your own skill and try make diferent things!! come one.. i learned it all alone!! you can do this too... it is very very easy!! ! ! This is the Ion Cannon ( don't try to copy it becouse it won't work correctly wtih out the correct particle ) particlesystem "FireJet" 1.00 { eventsequence "Second" { sourceblendmode = BLEND_INVSHADOW numparticles = 15 delay = 0.8 gravity = XYZ(0,0,0) emitradius = xyz(random(-2,2),random(8,15),random(-2,2)) emitrate = 6 loops = 1 lifetime = Random(2,3) texture = "effect\\particle\\fumaça_meteoro.bmp" initial color = rgba(0,0,0,0) initial size = 20 initial velocity = XYZ(random(-2,2),random(30,40),random(-2,2)) fade so at 1.5 color = rgba(180,180,200,180) fade so at 2 color = rgba(50,50,80,50) fade so final color = rgba(0,0,0,0) fade so final size = 30 } eventsequence "FuryRespawn" { sourceblendmode = BLEND_LAMP particletype = TYPE_TWO loops = 1 delay = 0.25 numparticles = 6 gravity = XYZ(0,0,0) emitrate = 30 emitradius = xyz(0,15,0) lifetime = 0.3 texture = "effect\\particle\\m_futy - Cópia.bmp" initial size = 50 initial color = rgba(10,50,255,225) initial velocity = XYZ(0,0,0) fade so at 0.1 color = rgba(10,255,255,255) fade so final color = rgba(0,0,0,0) fade so final size = 500 } eventsequence "FuryRespawn" { sourceblendmode = BLEND_LAMP particletype = TYPE_TWO loops = 1 delay = 0.0001 numparticles = 1000 gravity = XYZ(0,0,0) emitrate = 2000 emitradius = XYZ(random(-0,0),random(1000,1300),random(-0,0)) lifetime = 0.5 texture = "effect\\particle\\m_futy - Cópia.bmp" initial size = random(40,10) initial color = rgba(40,80,255,255) initial velocity = XYZ(random(-0,0),random(-6000,-6000),random(-0,0)) fade so at 0.1 color = rgba(100,255,255,255) fade so final color = rgba(0,0,0,0) fade so final size = random(40,10) } eventsequence "snow" { sourceblendmode = BLEND_LAMP numparticles = 3000 delay = 0.0001 gravity = XYZ(0,0,0) emitrate = 4000 emitradius = XYZ(random(-3,3),random(1000,1300),random(-3,3)) loops = 1 lifetime = 0.5 texture = "effect\\particle\\flare3 - Cópia.bmp" initial color = rgba(40,80,255,255) initial size = 30 initial velocity = XYZ(random(-0,0),random(-6000,-6000),random(-0,0)) fade so final color = rgba(0,0,0,0) fade so final size = 30 } eventsequence "snow" { sourceblendmode = BLEND_LAMP numparticles = 70 delay = 0.4 gravity = XYZ(0,0,0) emitrate = 100 emitradius = XYZ(random(-5,5),random(10,200),random(-5,5)) loops = 1 lifetime = random(0.8,1. texture = "effect\\particle\\Aurora - Cópia.bmp" initial color = rgba(60,180,255,255) initial size = 10 initial velocity = XYZ(random(-0,0),random(-20,20),random(-0,0)) fade so at 1 color = rgba(0,0,255,255) fade so final color = rgba(0,0,0,0) fade so final size = 1 } eventsequence "snow" { sourceblendmode = BLEND_LAMP numparticles = 70 delay = 0.4 gravity = XYZ(0,0,0) emitrate = 100 emitradius = XYZ(random(-0,0),random(10,200),random(-0,0)) loops = 1 lifetime = random(0.8,1. texture = "effect\\particle\\Aurora - Cópia.bmp" initial color = rgba(60,180,255,255) initial size = 10 initial velocity = XYZ(random(-0,0),random(-20,20),random(-0,0)) fade so at 1 color = rgba(0,0,255,255) fade so final color = rgba(0,0,0,0) fade so final size = 2 } eventsequence "snow" { sourceblendmode = BLEND_LAMP numparticles = 300 delay = 0.5 gravity = XYZ(0,0,0) emitrate = 150 emitradius = XYZ(random(-3,3),random(-0,-0),random(-3,3)) loops = 1 lifetime = random(1,2) texture = "effect\\particle\\fire03_01.bmp" initial color = rgba(20,100,255,255) initial size = 15 initial velocity = XYZ(random(-0,0),random(30,50),random(-0,0)) fade so at 1.5 color = rgba(20,0,255,255) fade so final color = rgba(0,0,0,0) fade so final size = 1 } eventsequence "snow" { sourceblendmode = BLEND_LAMP numparticles = 280 delay = 0.6 gravity = XYZ(0,0,0) emitrate = 150 emitradius = XYZ(random(-10,10),random(-0,-0),random(-10,10)) loops = 1 lifetime = random(1,2) texture = "effect\\particle\\attack02_02.bmp" initial color = rgba(255,255,0,255) initial size = 15 initial velocity = XYZ(random(-0,0),random(5,35),random(-0,0)) fade so at 1.5 color = rgba(255,0,0,255) fade so final color = rgba(0,0,0,0) fade so final size = 1 } eventsequence "FuryRespawn" { sourceblendmode = BLEND_LAMP particletype = TYPE_TWO loops = 1 numparticles = 25 gravity = XYZ(0,0,0) emitrate = 200 emitradius = xyz(0,10,0) lifetime = random(0.3,0.6) texture = "effect\\particle\\ice-at - Cópia.bmp" initial size = 200 initial color = rgba(20,20,20,20) initial velocity = XYZ(0,0,0) fade so at 0.1 color = rgba(100,100,100,100) initial partAngleX = random(360,0) fade so final color = rgba(0,0,0,0) fade so final size = 1 fade so final partangleX = random(0,360) } eventsequence "FuryRespawn" { sourceblendmode = BLEND_LAMP particletype = TYPE_TWO loops = 1 numparticles = 25 gravity = XYZ(0,0,0) emitrate = 200 emitradius = xyz(0,10,0) lifetime = random(0.3,0.6) texture = "effect\\particle\\ice-at - Cópia.bmp" initial size = 200 initial color = rgba(20,20,20,20) initial velocity = XYZ(0,0,0) fade so at 0.1 color = rgba(100,100,100,100) initial partAngleZ = random(0,360) fade so final color = rgba(0,0,0,0) fade so final size = 1 fade so final partangleZ = random(360,0) } } Ohh its his topic, anyways he made it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Melocrie 0 Report post Posted April 29, 2011 That stuff is truly beyond me.... ;D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rkokie 6 Report post Posted April 29, 2011 Once again sandurr shows his skills Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Melocrie 0 Report post Posted April 29, 2011 Sry to spam your topic, but look: This can't be good.... This shizz makes NO sense to me whatsoever... ;D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Melocrie 0 Report post Posted April 29, 2011 I fixed it, but.... well, I just copied and pasted something from gods bless, and now I see what I did there... This isnt exactly what I first had in mind.. -- ¸Þ½Ã Çϳª Ãâ·Â Begin("Parent"); InitPos(0, 0, 0); End(); Begin("ParticleSystem"); InitTextureName("Res\\TextureHit\\force.bmp"); InitMaxFrame(60); InitPos(0,0,0); InitLoop(0); InitColor(255,255,255,255); EventFadeColor(0,255,255,255,200); EventFadeColor(0.2,255,255,255,255); EventFadeColor(0.5,255,255,255,255); EventFadeColor(1,255,255,255,200); End(); Begin("ParticleSystem"); InitTextureName("Res\\TextureHit\\force.bmp"); InitMaxFrame(60); InitPos(0,0,0); InitLoop(0); InitColor(255,255,255,255); EventFadeColor(0,255,255,255,200); EventFadeColor(0.2,255,255,255,255); EventFadeColor(0.5,255,255,255,255); EventFadeColor(1,255,255,255,200); End(); Begin("BillboardAxial"); InitTextureName("Res\\TextureHit\\aurora4_301.bmp"); InitColor(255,255,255,50); InitSize(20,20); InitPos(0,15,10); InitEndTime(2); InitLoop(2); InitAxialPos(0,0,10,40,150,0); EventFadeColor(0, 255,150,50,50); EventFadeColor(0.3,255,150,50,80); EventFadeColor(0.8,255,150,50,60); EventFadeColor(1.3,255,150,50,100); EventFadeColor(2, 255,150,50,80); End(); Begin("BillboardAxial"); InitTextureName("Res\\TextureHit\\aurora4_301.bmp"); InitColor(255,255,255,0); InitSize(30,20); InitPos(0,20,0); InitEndTime(1); InitLoop(2); InitAxialPos(0,0,0,50,200,0); EventFadeColor(0, 255,255,255,80); EventFadeColor(0.4,255,255,255,120); EventFadeColor(0.6,255,255,255,90); EventFadeColor(1, 255,255,255,80); End(); Begin("BillboardAxial"); InitTextureName("Res\\TextureHit\\aurora4_301.bmp"); InitColor(255,255,255,50); InitSize(30,20); InitPos(0,10,10); InitEndTime(1); InitLoop(2); InitAxialPos(0,0,0,60,200,0); EventFadeColor(0, 255,255,255,00); EventFadeColor(0.5,255,255,255,110); EventFadeColor(1,255,255,255,80); End(); Begin("ParticleSystem"); InitTextureName("Res\\Texture\\flare.bmp"); InitPos(0,-20,0); InitSize(1,200); InitParticleType("BillboardAxial"); InitVelocityType("Random"); InitVelocity(0,0,20,80,0,0); InitLoop(2); InitSpawnBoundingBox(-40, 40, 10, 10, -30, 30); InitColor(255,255,0,0); InitParticleNum(40); InitEmitRate(15); InitEndTime(2,3); EventFadeColor(0, 255,150,50,100); EventFadeColor(0.2,255,150,50,150); EventFadeColor(0.4,255,150,50,100); End(); Begin("ParticleSystem"); InitTextureName("Res\\TextureHit\\star02Y_04.bmp"); InitPos(0,2,0); InitVelocity(-5,5,30,60,-5,5); InitLoop(2); InitSize(3,3); InitSpawnBoundingDoughnut(15,15,10,10); InitColor(255,255,255,200); InitParticleNum(30); InitEmitRate(15); InitEndTime(1,2); End(); Begin("CreateMesh"); InitTextureName("Res\\Texture\\flare.bmp"); InitPos(0,10,0); InitColor(255,255,255,255); InitSize(140,140); InitLoop(4); InitEndTime(1); EventFadeColor(0, 255,150,50,150); EventFadeColor(0.4,255,150,50,255); EventFadeColor(0.6,255,150,50,255); EventFadeColor(1, 255,150,50,150); End(); Begin("ParticleSystem"); InitTextureName("Res\\TextureHit\\wind4_101.bmp"); InitPos(0,60,0); InitSize(0.2,2,3,40); InitEndTime(0.8,1); InitLoop(0); InitSpawnBoundingSphere(1,1); InitVelocity(2,0.1,-3,3,-3,3); InitColor(255,255,255,0); InitEmitRate(30); InitParticleType("BillboardAxial"); InitVelocityType("curpos"); InitStartDelayTime(1); EventFadeColor(0, 255,150,50,0); EventFadeColor(0.3,255,150,50,255); EventFadeColor(0.7,255,150,50,255); EventFadeColor(1, 255,150,50,0); End(); Begin("Billboard"); InitPos(0,60,0); InitTextureName("Res\\TextureHit\\circle_009.bmp"); InitColor(255,255,255,255); InitSize(30,30); InitEndTime(1); InitLoop(0); InitStartDelayTime(1); EventFadeColor(0, 255,255,50,150); EventFadeColor(0.4,255,255,50,255); EventFadeColor(0.6,255,255,50,255); EventFadeColor(1, 255,255,50,150); End(); Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Melocrie 0 Report post Posted April 29, 2011 Ok I got one single particle now under my feet, but it's vertical, so it halfway disappears into the ground... And it flickers, while I need it to rotate (like the circle symbol under your feet when a prs vls you). Can you tell me how? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
erik1234567 0 Report post Posted May 2, 2011 Try something with the mages summon lol thats bout the only thing id change and maybe the lava wave Share this post Link to post Share on other sites