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archer builds.

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im planing to make one so just wondering if you can tell me guys what are the diff type of archer builds. pros and cons, stat builds and skill builds.


thx in advance..

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Str build:


Str: For Armor

Tal: 90

Spr: Aiming for 400-ish MP is a good idea. Or aim for a desired amount of Phoenix Shots you want before potting.

Health: Base

Agi: Everything else.


Example of my own:


Str: 168 (Perf AS 106 Armor)

Tal: 90

Spr: 80 (For AS Celesto)

Health: Base

Agi: Everything else.


Pros: Good defense in PvE. Good damage in PvE.

Cons: Bad Defense in PvP. Average damage in PvP.


My opinion - The best stat build to go with for exping. Personally I think a Str build should only be an option in PvP when you're a very high level because of the huge amount of stat points. I'd only do it for PvP if I were atleast 13x with good gear.


Pure builds depend on the gear you have and the level you are, but they're generally like this:


Str: 70-90

Tal: Enough for your Gauntlets.

Spr: Personal choice & depends on your gear. For PvP you can go as little as 70 Spirit, for Hunting as a Pure build you can go as high as 100-120 or more spirit.

Health: Again, this depends on your gear - HP mixes and also your level. For hunting you can leave if your health at base because you'll be using a wolf/crystal to tank. But I advise not to do this for PvP.

Agi: Everything else.


:: The point of pure build being to aim for the highest amount of agi as possible so you can kill people in PvP before they do much dmg to you. Or so you can reach the highest DPS possible in hunting. ::


Pros: Very good damage in PvE. Very good damage in PvP. Health more effective than Armor in PvP.

Cons: Bad defense in PvE. Bad defense in PvP.


My opinion - The best stat build to go for PvP. No matter your stat build you will have bad defense in PvP, Health benefits an Archer more with their survival chances in PvP. Higher damage meaning you can down people quicker before you take too much damage. It's the traditional glass-cannon cliché.



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I don't mean to sound like an arse...


But...that's a really vague question, there are different combinations for different things you want to do

And also different skills to invest in first depending on your play style - hunting, pvp, exping.


There are topics that have information & suggestions on builds for you.


Link to one:



I can give you an example of my own build though:

Shooting Mastery lv10

Arrow of Rage lv10

Avalanche lv10

Bomb Shot lv10

Phoenix Shot lv10

Evasion Mastery lv10

Force of Nature lv10


^Pretty much it...there are left overs, but this is the bulk of it.

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hey prefo lvl 10 still very useful dont ignore it.


Yah, I just personally prefer BombShot & AoR for leveling,  they also got their purposes in SoD. For me I'd rather have the points in something else.

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