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How much longer will maintenance last?

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3 minutes ago, BuJasem28 said:

you go sleep nb its 4:26 am here ?

naaaaaaah ill sleep at 6 or 7, cus I have to go KSA at 3, and back same day ? 

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1 minute ago, fahed said:

naaaaaaah ill sleep at 6 or 7, cus I have to go KSA at 3, and back same day ? 

ok bro have fun nb ?

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Guyz I found a good video to watch it till server back, check it ?



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18 minutes ago, - D E A T H S T R O K E - said:

 26 work hours***


edit: maybe the skill balance comes in this patch.

Unfortunately it is not because it will take a lot longer for us to finish it in this maintenance but it will be on next patch.


What I can say is this maintenance will be worth of waiting and very sorry for the delay.

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New Class Soon???   
  Do you have a date for the new class, or any advance, what name will the new class have?  

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I hope they fix the knigth to be able to fight with 2 hands 

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1 hour ago, Wartale said:

Unfortunately it is not because it will take a lot longer for us to finish it in this maintenance but it will be on next patch.


What I can say is this maintenance will be worth of waiting and very sorry for the delay. 

well as long as there are no nerf and IMPROVEMENTS in the server, everything is fine since whenever there are maintenance there is almost no change

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1 hour ago, alberto47 said:

I hope they fix the knigth to be able to fight with 2 hands 

LOL hahaha dude, u never go to BC? hahaha ur funny


Knight is OP in BC, tank a lot and DC is overpower... KS 151 can kill whatever class 1 DC (= and tank like a god, crazy.

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2 hours ago, Wartale said:

Unfortunately it is not because it will take a lot longer for us to finish it in this maintenance but it will be on next patch.


What I can say is this maintenance will be worth of waiting and very sorry for the delay.

Thanks for your position. I hope to see new things tomorrow ^^

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It's sweet, nw. In case it's gonna be 12 years like somebody said, well I'm off to make some kids. See u on my son's 11th birthday. ?

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i would rather focus on all tier 5 release than event / new job.

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i think not much new for player

is about alot bug fixed alot codes 

new events 

but not any new map or mob new skills or anything we can use 

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27 minutes ago, Ruanmei said:

deley again :)

this is normal with main bro. Dont waste ur time to wait. Go outside and enjor ur real life. 

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Who want to take a shot at one of those options  ?
I can guest  New HUD, New World, Wings(lmao),draxos quest and new quest book


New Quest Book In Development Handle your Quests in a convenient and clear way.
Project: Zeus In Development Skill Balance all classes
New Quests In Development Party Quest "Draxos Unchained"... and a lot more!
New T5 Skills In Development Skill Masters have finally been able to find a way to unlock those new skills...
Wings V1 In Development Fancy yourself up with Wings? Find that Wing Box in HG or SoD, unlock it and collect the latest fashion of Wartale!
Royal Rumble Soon TBA
Haunted Mansion Soon Who dares enter the dark and forsaken rooms of this mysterious mansion in the middle of Ricarten?
New Class Soon TBA
Clan Quests Soon Group up to take up the most daunting challenges!
New World Map Soon Every map at your finger tips.
Mounts Soon Always wanted to tame a Hopy or Cuepy so you can ride one? Well, get ready for it!
Clan Wars Soon Want to gain some sweet extra EXP? Well that doesn't come easy oh no it doesn't! Arrange your Clan to "At War" at the Clan Master and earn yourself "War Points", the active Clan with the most accumulated War Points get an additional +10% EXP! But be careful, other War hungry Clans might be coming to take those points from you...
Localization Soon Wartale me gusta!
New HUD options Soon TBA
Project: Field Renaissance Soon *Not to be told until it is complete*


Edited by matadro2

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Hey there,


I totaly agree that event can't be announced to us, I know that's marketing and that's necessary for the development of the game, but... We are just asking for a feedback of maintenance... Why these three deadlines didn't worked, and why u guys blocked the post on event? why dont interact with the community? I'm not asking for a faster maintenance, because that need time, we are just asking for more information and careless with forums (in my point of view, the best way to we work together as a team), or just a accurate maintenance time. 



Have fun

Edited by felipemora
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I gonna take a guess: bug fixing + world cup event.

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8 hours ago, haiser said:

LOL hahaha dude, u never go to BC? hahaha ur funny


Knight is OP in BC, tank a lot and DC is overpower... KS 151 can kill whatever class 1 DC (= and tank like a god, crazy.

Stop crying, buddy. I only hear Mimimi talking about KS tanker, op this and that... You must be a wanted to be a mechanic, wanting to tank everything can only.  I have seen videos of 4x1 tank very ridiculous, aim to attack from afar and not close and tank.

 And another if they move the rider and make it worse, will end up with the Knights of the server, will not have any more, so they create a worthless char is not it?

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1 minute ago, jamesschild said:

A few months later ........ 

and nothing will change like always, 2 days maintance and GM no develoment nothing

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