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Request... Absorb guide per map.

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Hi, this is one guide that can be put together by the community as I saw many posts asking how much ABS you need for 'this map' or 'that map' if someone is able or just know can you write a guide on how much ABS you need to survive in each of the most common xp maps? 

If you can do 2 sections. 1 how much Abs to survive but still need Pot once in a while and 1 for how much Abs to be immortal on that map. 
this would help many players not risking their XP on a new map and also help players to let them know until what map that gear they have can take them. 
like, if your lvl 120 itens have abs to train until lvl 128, no need to invest on lvl 124 items that way you save money . 

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REQUEST.......... @Wys that's your chance!! say it!!! X-BURGUER!!!!

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Edited by Wys
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Hi there,


Indeed it is very nice idea, however this is something that is belong to the community more than for us. As such I will move this topic to the Townsquare section.

We are more than happy to sticky it if someone made it.




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who needs this guide can't do it.


who can do this guide don't need it. XD


anyway that's amazing suggetion. 



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Please note. Which has a variation depending on the class.

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In my memory, for mage without energy shield


ad3 200

ic 270


for pris it's lower because she can iced the mobs, ad3 maybe 180, i dont know about IC.


Also, you need to count in your HP regen and heal pet as well, they can replace a few abs points

Edited by heoantap

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That should be based on experience of players more than a guide. Because buff skill is the most important thing. For example, with the same abs displayed but FS cannot tank like KS with godly shield. Or Pris with muspell can tank in AD better than MG or SS.

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would be great if someone from the staff create one character of each class and gradually add levels and items in order to make accurate tests on map's hell spawns. 


would be the fastest way to get the full data base for each and every class/maps and bring this very helpful guide to the community. ? 



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2 hours ago, MadTale said:

would be great if someone from the staff create one character of each class and gradually add levels and items in order to make accurate tests on map's hell spawns. 


would be the fastest way to get the full data base for each and every class/maps and bring this very helpful guide to the community. ? 




The only proper way to get it done accurately

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**CT3 380+

**AD3 180+

**IC  234+

Edited by SomTrovao

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