Wartale 7,374 Report post Posted June 13, 2018 Changelog Patch 5028 World Cup 2018 Event is live! Bet on matches with gold and if you're right, you win the jackpot! (Jackpot shared amongst other winners) Hunt soccer players who've gone mad in the fields and perhaps they're carrying some special goodies for you? Changes: Added Silver Crown and Bronze Crown to Bless Castle: The second and third place clans in Siege War get the Crowns if the castle is captured. If the castle is not captured, the clans that hold the current Silver and Bronze crowns lose them. The Silver Crown gives 5% Attack Power buff. The Bronze Crown gives 3% Attack Power buff. Damage against Towers and Guards now give double the score points. You can now right click on items in inventory and move them to your available equipment slot instantly. You can now right click on items in an equipment slot and move them to the inventory instantly. For moving potions like above, you must hold the shift keyboard button, because normally right clicking potions means using them. Fighter's Hellion now only loot if the Fighter is actively fighting monsters. You can now double click the A keyboard button and loot names will show without you needing to holding the button. Clicking A again unlocks it. Added short key P keyboard button to hide/show party interface. You can now walk through Caravan Hopy's. Divine Force now keeps Assassin hidden if she's using Deception. Getting killed by a guard or Divine Guardian in Bless Castle now costs Restoration scrolls instead of Rebirth scrolls to revive. The required level to create a wing is now shown by the Warpgate Inventor. Added the effects again for: Lightning Sword, Cyclone Strike, Guardian Saint, Dark Guardian, Ice Worm, Fire Worm, Dark Mage, Meteorites, Draxos, Kelvezu, Wind Arrow, Chimera, Elemental Shot, Triumph of Valhalla, Magma Eye, Lightning Javelin and Split Javelin. Windows 10 private message notification now shows correct letters when a message is coming from a player with special symbols in their name. Attacking other players in Hell's Gate is now considered as an AFK move. Also buffing yourself is now considered as being AFK. These Party Skills now show that you've got the Party Buff in the Skill Timer description: Hall of Valhalla, Triumph of Valhalla, Force of Nature and Regeneration Field. Increased performance of the engine by implementing several optimizations. Reduced file size of some data files by removing unnecessary data, so that the game loads slightly faster. Saving about 500 MB. Bug Fixes: Fixed bugs with relog button. Fixed bug with Magnetic Sphere. Fixed bug with Muspell. Fixed bug with Valhalla Tower fake dying early. Fixed bug in skill description showing wrong required level. Fixed bug Dagger appearing upside down. Fixed bug in Secretary Karina where clan names with special letters in their name don't get upper-case letters. Fixed bug with legacy shadow engulfing the map in Iron Core. Fixed bug in Account Talisman creating an invalid password. Fixed bug where ambient sounds would keep playing in Login Screen after using the relog button. Fixed bug where in Hell's Gate, the moving boss in the sky is angled incorrectly. Fixed bug in Survive or Die where kills could still get added to the score even after the round just ended. Fixed bug where Falcon and Golden Falcon don't appear. Fixed bug where Metal Golem, Wolverine or Fire Elemental move too fast. Fixed bug with attack speed when you equip one dagger and another type of weapon in the other slot as Assassin. Fixed bug where snow would still fall in Ice Maps even if you'd set the weather setting turned off. Fixed bug where choosing a default clan icon at Clan Master causes it to duplicate in the Icon Library. Enjoy Wartale ❤️ 23 1 3 9 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites