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How can I be GM? xd

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Shaman Fighter

There a history in the beginning of the ages that you had to hunt giants and bring the head to the leader of the tribe of the Priston World.

After all community vote if you deserve to be a member of community the leader of tribe makes a ritual that sacrifice a sheep to the God Midranda then you must purify yourself passing 10 days without eat any kind of meat after all this happen you will be a legit GM.?


Edited by Glau
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- D E A T H S T R O K E -
17 hours ago, KriKa. said:

firs thing good player, respect all rules.


i just wanna potw moderator ? that event need back its cool for players ?

the problem is; no one gives a shit about potw, only a few posts =//, if it had like 20 players weekly posting it would be interesting, but, only 3 or 4 it's not enough for a good potw.

Edit: the last potw was Xmass potw, i dunno what happen but only a few participated.

Edited by - D E A T H S T R O K E -

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