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Tier 5 Discussion--Lets talk about mechs baby

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Disclaimer: I am not a tester and t5 hasn't come out yet so I am relying on the accuracy of the skill list as a guide for this discussion.




Precision: Auto gag...uh mech?  ???


Trine Shield: Outrageous. Nerf this.  >:(


Gravitation: Leave this at level 1.  ;D


Obliterate: Preferred two-handed weapon for a mech is the scyth.  ::)


Next I will discuss the priest's t5 skills.

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how about waiting until the skills are released before deciding if the are improperly done or not since it says that the skills are not final and are subject to change, also if you want to discuss it put more information in, like and argument of some sort for example, not just "preferred two-handed wep is scythe" which im not too sure is accurate, i see more mechs using hammer then scythe.



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how about waiting until the skills are released before deciding if the are improperly done or not since it says that the skills are not final and are subject to change, also if you want to discuss it put more information in, like and argument of some sort for example, not just "preferred two-handed wep is scythe" which im not too sure is accurate, i see more mechs using hammer then scythe.


Totally agree with Fallen ;)

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I am a sycthe mech. And none of these new mech skills are pleasing to me. Should add an Automech attack skill, finality skill for melee weapons, and leave trine shield/gravitation. Mech's don't need another buff for automechs, that's just silly. And I don't think they need a new AoE skill, especially if it has delay. That's useless.

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Trine shield may seem strong, but you can't really say since a lot of other classes have strong skills too. Also, I believe tripleR said the website info is no longer accurate so we can't even trust that even what seems to be the *given* info is actually correct. Thus, talking about it is 100% useless for now.

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Yeah what Zero said is correct.

Would just be pitiful if they made t5 for mechs and then no one even bothered doing the quest cause the skills are shit. Then they would have to leave it or recode all that crap. I think that some feedback is better then none. Can't build ideas off of nothing if there is no input being put out.

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The OP should gtfo.


Don't bitch aboutwtthen expect to be treated with respect.

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it will great if mech tire 5 will make MS become super tanker  ::) ::)

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Mech are super tanker ! Just put right skills on Time and stop being a pussy ! Iam tanking whole ET3 hs . I call that leet .

About using spear as the best 2h weap.. Ur false... Sure best is hammer since it had a boost lasts updates... Then it might be sword :)

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About using spear as the best 2h weap.. Ur false... Sure best is hammer since it had a boost lasts updates... Then it might be sword :)

I feel like that's more of a personal opinion.

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