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Vitality x Fortitute mix question

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I was searching for a 124 Shield ms+, and found 2 with Bellum Vitality mix, and that got me thinking if the can Vitality mix is better than the Fortitude one, looking at the Mixing formulas chart, I cant find a way that the +HP of the Vitality mix is worth more than the superior +Abs and +Def of the Fortitude... Im missing something?

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So the idea is with a higher maximum Health pool; you can take more hits. just because it has slightly less abs / def doesnt make it the worse option of the two; since it gives +HP; if you say take 10 damage per hit with the +HP mix, and only 8 dmg per hit with the other one, with no noticable block increase from defense (resisting the hit i should say); the extra HP is allowing you an extra few moments of "Oh shit i need to pot to stay alive". you have greater capacity for survival.


to further expand on this; would you rather have 320 abs and 3k defense with 800 hp? or 250 ABS, with 2500 defense, and around 2000 HP; i'd pick the latter. in addition, higher max hp = more HP from VL as well for even more tankiness not withstanding the 10% mob damage reduction.

Edited by Kagome
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