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Explain the PVP ranking system?

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  10 boydapa25   125 171 76 2.22 -4


Ok so 171 and 76 is a 2.22 death ratio but somehow my streak is -4?


I dont die very much lol....


My streak would be more like 10....or more.... why would it say -4 lol


I am ranked 10th, and this guy:

7 Tuvia   111 71 57 1.22 -1



Is ranked above me and his K/D sucks

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is ranked according to the pvp experience you get, if you kill mules/noobs you dont get much experience while if you kill players 5+ lvl above you you get more experience and will boost you to higher rank.


Thats why you don't see some mulekillers in ranking


the streak Im not sure how it works, I think its bugged

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You died 4 times in a row, -4 streak. Kill someone and it will be 1... die twice, -2


As HanJie said you get more "PvP exp" killing higher players, probably this one you mentioned killed higher people

When you die you lose "PvP exp" too. If lower people kill you you lose more exp than if they were higher

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As Gogg said.


The Ranking is based on PVP Experience, not on kills, deaths, streak or K/D Ratio.

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Yeah, rankings are more quality than quantity :)


that's why I don't worry... At some point I'll be #1, I'm in no rush =p


in the meantime some other can feel special =p jajajajajaja

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Yeah, rankings are more quality than quantity :)


that's why I don't worry... At some point I'll be #1, I'm in no rush =p


in the meantime some other can feel special =p jajajajajaja



ya, higher lvl's need to work alot harder for their points.

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if a low level kill a high level, he will gain alot of points and that high level loses point

if a high level kill a low level, he will gain little points and low level lose less point


imo its actually good like this


i dont wanna see only 14x 13x pure donaters in ranking with no life and no skills


some 12x like CYE and me are good in pvp


so lets not change this

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Is it working atm? And Will it be reseted soon ? Coz of mule killers and such

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Is it working atm? And Will it be reseted soon ? Coz of mule killers and such


It's working. Mule killing has been fixed. It was reset after that.

What you see now is the new PVP Ranking (with no mule killing). ;)

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lucky guys who have boths chars lvl high like pause top ranking killing prs LUV 126-128 i dont remember.

so nice LOL!

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lucky guys who have boths chars lvl high like pause top ranking killing prs LUV 126-128 i dont remember.

so nice LOL!


Kills from the same IP won't give him any EXP.

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lucky guys who have boths chars lvl high like pause top ranking killing prs LUV 126-128 i dont remember.

so nice LOL!


Kills from the same IP won't give him any EXP.

he have friends what can log prs -luv- sometimes.

different ips xD

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well mule killers are just lame




to all, it is just a record anyhow, why so serious...

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And so is a portion of the BR community


Can't do anything about these try hards, just leave them be and get some glory in their life

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Mule killing is really lame... but really it will even itself out... cause unless he's killing the highest lvl chars in the game over and over again... you will see somebody with 1k kills pass pause one day when he has like 5k kills, then the list will look really stupid and he will get a bad rep...

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Mule killing is really lame... but really it will even itself out... cause unless he's killing the highest lvl chars in the game over and over again... you will see somebody with 1k kills pass pause one day when he has like 5k kills, then the list will look really stupid and he will get a bad rep...


Like he doesn't have a bad rep now.. Lol

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loool -pause- was 1656 kill/ 332 deaths and now  "1789" kills/334 deaths  ???

133 kills and 2 deaths?WTF


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loool -pause- was 1656 kill/ 332 deaths and now  "1789" kills/334 deaths  ???

133 kills and 2 deaths?WTF


So?... I did something like that before with a level 120 character.


We both know he tanks a lot, lags a lot and also has great damage, I don't see a problem with those numbers.

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loool -pause- was 1656 kill/ 332 deaths and now  "1789" kills/334 deaths  ???

133 kills and 2 deaths?WTF


So?... I did something like that before with a level 120 character.


We both know he tanks a lot, lags a lot and also has great damage, I don't see a problem with those numbers.

nah..this guy need kill 13x and maybe 12x for top ranking..and he have prs  126-128 nick -luv-

its obvious

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