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T5 and his apologies

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Good afternoon, Today I left my character in store and when I woke up today some GM pronounced on T5 and other things. What I saw most were excuses and more excuses just what I saw. We do not want items and other maps, we want T5 logos because they are already years away from finishing it and nothing yet ... Speaking the truth you if they had already put her ready for a long time and what binds them to it?  The question of maps and items is another story. Many abandoned maps like AW that could be used for quests but only know how to get people to shoot the fucking Death Island up to 17x ... complicated

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They know, promises and promises, people create expectations, and the game looks like it only has 4 classes, archer, mech, prss, and ss.

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I wasnt ingame so i didnt see anything that was said, anyone have any ss's?

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I saw that too. And said : Project Zeus and Tier 5 first !

There's no other priority higher than a unfinished job.

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I already quit so i dont care ?

Black Desert btw..

Btw they promise like always..

One day DLM said.... staff has already finish Long Shot and other skill Fighter but

he does not take it out because he does not want... so.. keep wating for nothing boys.

Edited by haiser

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I dont know why players nowadays are so mad about T5 skill, players have been complaining on this for years, and for years they always said ''next year'', ''next patch''
You don't like it ? Just leave and go play others game/server. This is an private server, they are owners and they make all decisions about that.(and assuming all good and bad  consequences for those decisions)


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- D E A T H S T R O K E -

it's called coins sink, every time a new skills is launched, usually, the class becomes extremely overpowered , priest with ice meteorite when it was released, mage with stone spike and then with the rebalance that made him a god, knight with LS, Archer with phoenix speed, Fighter with inner soul, atalanta when amazon rage was released, and so on, which results in a massive change class, and, items which used to worth less than nothing becomes expensive, i've seen this a lot.

that's what i think, i might be wrong, but... who knows

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7 horas atrás, Kagome disse:

Eu não estava jogando, então eu não vi nada que foi dito, alguém tem algum ss?


unfortunately your thinking is a bit weak, some people play on the server because the T5 of this server is exclusive and unlike any other priston server and promise to launch the skill is an uncompromising part of the server, for me this is the same thing as political make promise and do not fulfill ?

Edited by Marvel

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Hi there,


This topic is now closed as it doesn't serve any purpose here. We know what we have promised however we have to prioritize our workflow to ensure all important tasks can be completed first. Sure Tier 5 can be important to everyone but stability of server as well as full control in coding are more important to us, because without them there will be no existence of Wartale.




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