TripleR 0 Report post Posted April 13, 2011 That is a step towards balancing archers in PVP. Basicly all of this is done, so that archers will wear high level shields and armors, withoud losing redicilous amount of damage. Some people don't seem to understand this. We're making it possible for archers to wear armors in order to improve their survival. Just like every other class. Then G says, and I quote: (...) that is really unfair to other class. (...) also, i dont think it is a good idea to make this change, it make archer suck. (...) the changes make this class away from what it should be. enjoy your special "rPT type" archer. I can't describe in words how retarded that sounds to me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
G 0 Report post Posted April 14, 2011 That is a step towards balancing archers in PVP. Basicly all of this is done, so that archers will wear high level shields and armors, withoud losing redicilous amount of damage. Some people don't seem to understand this. We're making it possible for archers to wear armors in order to improve their survival. Just like every other class. I can't describe in words how retarded that sounds to me. G:that is really unfair to other class. for archer, strengh=+attack power so why for the pris and mgs, +agi and + strenght ≠+attack power? my pris lost many attack power in order to put on the SET too. for the KS, the FS, the PIKE, in order to put on the boots, they add agi (which dont add attack power) in order to put on the boots. can you balance them too? no? is it fair to them? G: also, i dont think it is a good idea to make this change, it make archer suck. +the changes make this class away from what it should be. here i said SUCK, not mean your change is not good at archer, at least when the arhcers wear high level armor, it make archer's attack power better than before. but i feel the archer SUCK, archer need more attack power, but should not get them in this way. why not add attack power on their skills instead? if atfer this, you find they need more attack power, will you make them +talent or +spirit=+attack power too? wear armor or not is their choice. NO? G: enjoy your special "rPT type" archer. never see any other PT that archer +strengh=+attack power. so it is not special "rPT type" archer? compare to your "Super" idea, can i make another "Super" idea? why not make it +agi=+hp for arhcer? it will be much much more more helps and make archer much much good good tank in PVP. NO? ok, ok. dont make the usless changes for the archer pls. the true of archer weak or not, let the others know it. dont make others think archers have best balance, but in fact, they are not. i am not your son. (i am afraid my English teacher will faint if she sees this topic, kakakaka) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zero 0 Report post Posted April 14, 2011 G:that is really unfair to other class. for archer, strengh=+attack power so why for the pris and mgs, +agi and + strenght ≠+attack power? my pris lost many attack power in order to put on the SET too. for the KS, the FS, the PIKE, in order to put on the boots, they add agi (which dont add attack power) in order to put on the boots. can you balance them too? no? is it fair to them? G: also, i dont think it is a good idea to make this change, it make archer suck. +the changes make this class away from what it should be. here i said SUCK, not mean your change is not good at archer, at least when the arhcers wear high level armor, it make archer's attack power better than before. but i feel the archer SUCK, archer need more attack power, but should not get them in this way. why not add attack power on their skills instead? if atfer this, you find they need more attack power, will you make them +talent or +spirit=+attack power too? wear armor or not is their choice. NO? G: enjoy your special "rPT type" archer. never see any other PT that archer +strengh=+attack power. so it is not special "rPT type" archer? compare to your "Super" idea, can i make another "Super" idea? why not make it +agi=+hp for arhcer? it will be much much more more helps and make archer much much good good tank in PVP. NO? ok, ok. dont make the usless changes for the archer pls. the true of archer weak or not, let the others know it. dont make others think archers have best balance, but in fact, they are not. i am not your son. (i am afraid my English teacher will faint if she sees this topic, kakakaka) -No other class has to pump more than 70-80 stats in a category they don't use to wear their endgame gear [Except talent, but everyone has to get that so its fair]. Archers need to pump like 150ish strength? Nearly twice that, that is why they got attack power. If boots start requiring 150 agility then the melee can complain. The melee don't really suffer in attack power much for it, they're still plenty strong so keep that in mind as well. -I'm a Prs too, its not wearing boots that is messing up our damage, it's just that magic classes need major work in general. I think our spirit stat is fine in terms of the power/mp we get for it. -Technically EVERYTHING here is a special "rPT type" class, pretty sure they don't really resemble any other PT server since they've ALL been modified several times. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TripleR 0 Report post Posted April 14, 2011 Hey G. I won't try to explain these changes to you because it seems I'm talking to a wall. I'll let everyone else show you your stupidity. But this here, G: enjoy your special "rPT type" archer. never see any other PT that archer +strengh=+attack power. so it is not special "rPT type" archer? Hi. Do you play Priston Tale? Strenght has ALWAYS added ATK Power to every class, including archers. Not just here in rPT. Every other server, including ePT has this. I think you have no idea of what the fuck you are talking about, and honestly, that pisses me off. So please, do me a favor and stop posting. This change is going to happen anyway. Either you like it or not. Have fun whining. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Leviathan 0 Report post Posted April 14, 2011 Sad for all the archers Cant wait for them to be good Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
G 0 Report post Posted April 15, 2011 Hey TripleR, same here. bye bye. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
idanqwe 0 Report post Posted April 15, 2011 Sad for all the archers Cant wait for them to be good we'll have to wait for the next patch to see how's the new formula that in dev : Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cauapicetti 0 Report post Posted April 18, 2011 I don't know about 'Legolas' and the others, but that is still their decision to sell/trade their char. People sell high level knights too, does that mean they're weak? Sure, I'm certain the class itself is a factor here, but it may not be the only factor. If the class gets balanced anyway, I'm sure some high levels would class change as you've seen in many cases. you can't compare a high lvl archer that sell his char to a knight. most of the server are ATA\Knights and when someone sell his knight it's not special, but when Legolas, a Known 13x archer (there are only like 5 active 12x archers at the whole server)sell his char, and more 12x archer sell theirs, that means somthing is wrong, and somthing should be changed. _______________________________________________ I'm AS, lvl 116, my armor is lvl 43 because I do not want to miss atk rtg really think a stranger AS have more points in strength than agility, but I think the Archer are starting to earn its place in rpt, are being widely sought to be purchased, but the sad thing is that everyone sees the archers as the type of character who only kills the back, and this is a critical point, because as we were going to lock up a CS or DT? We can not! I hope that with these changes the life of an archer on rpt, improve. Thank you for raising that flag Pwned. And, sorry for my bad English. - CauaReckless Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zero 0 Report post Posted April 18, 2011 I don't know about 'Legolas' and the others, but that is still their decision to sell/trade their char. People sell high level knights too, does that mean they're weak? Sure, I'm certain the class itself is a factor here, but it may not be the only factor. If the class gets balanced anyway, I'm sure some high levels would class change as you've seen in many cases. you can't compare a high lvl archer that sell his char to a knight. most of the server are ATA\Knights and when someone sell his knight it's not special, but when Legolas, a Known 13x archer (there are only like 5 active 12x archers at the whole server)sell his char, and more 12x archer sell theirs, that means somthing is wrong, and somthing should be changed. _______________________________________________ I'm AS, lvl 116, my armor is lvl 43 because I do not want to miss atk rtg really think a stranger AS have more points in strength than agility, but I think the Archer are starting to earn its place in rpt, are being widely sought to be purchased, but the sad thing is that everyone sees the archers as the type of character who only kills the back, and this is a critical point, because as we were going to lock up a CS or DT? We can not! I hope that with these changes the life of an archer on rpt, improve. Thank you for raising that flag Pwned. And, sorry for my bad English. - CauaReckless Your a bit outdated on that quote. Also if you want to be real technical, 13x AS selling/trading their archer doesn't mean anymore than a knight. Someone is still going to be playing that char so the 13x archer is still going to be around. It doesn't suddenly poof. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cauapicetti 0 Report post Posted April 18, 2011 Your a bit outdated on that quote. Also if you want to be real technical, 13x AS selling/trading their archer doesn't mean anymore than a knight. Someone is still going to be playing that char so the 13x archer is still going to be around. It doesn't suddenly poof. So you agree to the archers of the server to be exchanged for kina? It's not about which class is better, but yes, they have all the classes that are still active. "Play with passion by the archer, and overcome the difficulties." -CauaReckless Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
idanqwe 0 Report post Posted April 27, 2011 The new Formula for Archers must add more HP from STR too. My archer level 125 have 520 HP on Armor build, I made some tests and with Hades Armor +19 I still die 1hit at ET3 (for Maples,Xetans etc), this is ridiculous. Archers have a real HP problem, and Wartale must change that. That's the problem with PVP too. Archers lack alot of HP. Ofcourse they shouldnt have HP like meele, but they should get some decent amount of HP from STR. For ex: With pure build: With Armor build: Conclusion- I gained 42 HP only from Pure Agi build to Armor build. Therefore- STR should add alot more HP since archers doesnt add alot of STR. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ibben 0 Report post Posted May 5, 2011 The new Formula for Archers must add more HP from STR too. My archer level 125 have 520 HP on Armor build, I made some tests and with Hades Armor +19 I still die 1hit at ET3 (for Maples,Xetans etc), this is ridiculous. Archers have a real HP problem, and Wartale must change that. That's the problem with PVP too. Archers lack alot of HP. Ofcourse they shouldnt have HP like meele, but they should get some decent amount of HP from STR. For ex: With pure build: With Armor build: Conclusion- I gained 42 HP only from Pure Agi build to Armor build. Therefore- STR should add alot more HP since archers doesnt add alot of STR. Yes, this need to be changed just like idanqwe says. It will be more fun for every1 to get Archers in pvp =) A lvl100 fs got 950HP with no rings, that is almost x2 than a lvl125 AS. Altho FS are suppose to have more HP this very unfair. Imo PVP should be for all, and atm it is not, prs as n mgs just stand beside and watch all other classes go SW every sunday. Wartale tell me, when will it be our time to go there? Almost have been waiting for 2 years now... thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Easy4me2own 0 Report post Posted May 5, 2011 If it cheers you up, pls remember this. Ur HP will not/barely increase anymore, even if u would be lvl 140 (if u keep using these equips) Since agility will not add HP, ever. So perhaps at 140 u will have 540 health with armor build Better solution for all level archers would be Archer ( Level *1.8 ) + ( Strengh *0.4 ) + ( Health *2.6 ) ( Level *3.5 ) + (Strenght *0.4) + ( Health * 2.6) that way a lvl 125 AS would gain (lvl)125 x 1,7 = 212.5 health from current, so ur HP would become 691 / 733 Eitherway thats just an idea, could make it lower also if u think its too much. Currently i want the higher dmg first, and then see if more health is still really needed Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AMDias 0 Report post Posted May 5, 2011 From here : Archer * ( Level *1.8 ) + ( Strengh *0.3 ) + ( Health *2.1 ) * ( Level *1.8 ) + ( Strengh *0.4 ) + ( Health *2.6 ) What is the current formula ingame ? I think archers should have at least the same hp as atas for same lvl comparison. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Happy! 0 Report post Posted May 5, 2011 Anyone know if they are gonna do something quite soon? I'm exping in md1 at the moment with my 102 archer. I got a wyvern armor as, and i get 3-4 shotted by a monster (Really? In an exp map? Yes really. In a lvl 95 exp map.). While my bro whos playing a mech could tank it without taking any dmg what so ever at lvl 95... I know mechs are all uber-tanky and stuff but still. I cant even be in a hs cuz when i get aggro, i die instantly. Is no funneh. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
idanqwe 0 Report post Posted May 6, 2011 If it cheers you up, pls remember this. Ur HP will not/barely increase anymore, even if u would be lvl 140 (if u keep using these equips) Since agility will not add HP, ever. So perhaps at 140 u will have 540 health with armor build Better solution for all level archers would be Archer ( Level *1.8 ) + ( Strengh *0.4 ) + ( Health *2.6 ) ( Level *3.5 ) + (Strenght *0.4) + ( Health * 2.6) that way a lvl 125 AS would gain (lvl)125 x 1,7 = 212.5 health from current, so ur HP would become 691 / 733 Eitherway thats just an idea, could make it lower also if u think its too much. Currently i want the higher dmg first, and then see if more health is still really needed Yeah this kind of change is what I'm talking about. And yeah, we'll have to wait and see what Wartale is planing for archers' new formula. Anyone know if they are gonna do something quite soon? I'm exping in md1 at the moment with my 102 archer. I got a wyvern armor as, and i get 3-4 shotted by a monster (Really? In an exp map? Yes really. In a lvl 95 exp map.). While my bro whos playing a mech could tank it without taking any dmg what so ever at lvl 95... I know mechs are all uber-tanky and stuff but still. I cant even be in a hs cuz when i get aggro, i die instantly. Is no funneh. Well I know it's lame but at those levels I was exping with 1h+shield because archer just couldnt exp with 2h So you can find spawns that you stand outside the hs and then you can use 2h, or just use 1h +shield with AOR Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
exonas 0 Report post Posted May 6, 2011 I fully agree with those wanting to improve the archers ability to take damage. The only reason i didnt make an archer is cus ive seen how easy my brothers archer dies, which makes it really boring and hard in BC and when lvling. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WasterYears 0 Report post Posted May 7, 2011 I was in BC today, when a FS come to attack me, I killed him a few times since it was 11x, so he logged a pike, 12x, I could only kill him once only, not by luck but by being pure, and have a great attack power, however, be pure was also the reason of death, since even with 110 set mix bb, my hp is only 6xx. What I mean is, archers already have a good attack, do not believe it takes a lot more, but a good hp, I think so, agility might give more hp for the Archer. We do not, as has been said, to achieve the hp of a FS or a mech, but not be killed with a single blow of these basic classes. Thanks to google translator. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
idanqwe 0 Report post Posted May 14, 2011 I fully agree with those wanting to improve the archers ability to take damage. The only reason i didnt make an archer is cus ive seen how easy my brothers archer dies, which makes it really boring and hard in BC and when lvling. Oh yeah, Archers have a real problem at BC, but it seem that we won't get our balance any soon because of t5 :-\ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
babyarcher 0 Report post Posted May 14, 2011 I was in BC today, when a FS come to attack me, I killed him a few times since it was 11x, so he logged a pike, 12x, I could only kill him once only, not by luck but by being pure, and have a great attack power, however, be pure was also the reason of death, since even with 110 set mix bb, my hp is only 6xx. What I mean is, archers already have a good attack, do not believe it takes a lot more, but a good hp, I think so, agility might give more hp for the Archer. We do not, as has been said, to achieve the hp of a FS or a mech, but not be killed with a single blow of these basic classes. Thanks to google translator. Yeah, archer is paper in BC. You die in "2 GCs from a laggy knight" (to quote a friend of mine). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Easy4me2own 0 Report post Posted May 14, 2011 Well lets keep hoping that sandurr will do the extra damage formula for archers when using strenght soon, althought i dont expect he cares atm. Most likely his mind is set at some tier 5 skills only. I hope he proves me wrong and does it soon though :3 Like today or tommorow Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Happy! 0 Report post Posted May 14, 2011 Anyone know if they are gonna do something quite soon? I'm exping in md1 at the moment with my 102 archer. I got a wyvern armor as, and i get 3-4 shotted by a monster (Really? In an exp map? Yes really. In a lvl 95 exp map.). While my bro whos playing a mech could tank it without taking any dmg what so ever at lvl 95... I know mechs are all uber-tanky and stuff but still. I cant even be in a hs cuz when i get aggro, i die instantly. Is no funneh. Well I know it's lame but at those levels I was exping with 1h+shield because archer just couldnt exp with 2h So you can find spawns that you stand outside the hs and then you can use 2h, or just use 1h +shield with AOR Took your advice and made a build with req agi for equipments, req str, req talent, about 100 spirit and the rest on health. 1h + shield and AOR. Turns out pretty fine with a build like that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
idanqwe 0 Report post Posted May 16, 2011 Lol 10x pike 1shotted me easly when I'm level 126 with 110 shield BOM + Hades armor +20, rest of the set is 115 BOM I don't get it why Wartale is giving others their t5 skills while some classes are completly useless Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vodkawolf 0 Report post Posted May 16, 2011 Im actually concidering making an archer when my mech is done Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Melocrie 0 Report post Posted May 16, 2011 Archers are awesome, just don't go pvp, not only other players but also the frustration will 1hit KO you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites