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High ping

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Hi guys!

Does anyone have lag too? 04/08/18

my ping is not less than 1k.

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2 hours ago, Luca said:

Hi guys!

Does anyone have lag too? 04/08/18

my ping is not less than 1k.

Hello Luca,


I experience higher ping than the last maintenance too.


& From What I hear, some players have high pings too.


Hope people will share their problem in the forum too so GM can fix that :)



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Really lag here too, takes 10 seconds for characters to appear in Ricarten

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Hello, 14k ping in game. DIQ is normally taken 18 mins, today is 36 mins. X2 Exp but x2 time lol. How's SW today kkkk.

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Still lagging.. it started to me after saturday I guess, before that, it was fine. all sunday with lag and today still with.


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Server going to be boring really right now with this lag ? 

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Hi there,


As mention repeatedly, there is not much we can do if the lag only happen to few people or 1 country.

The lag issue can be caused by:

  • Slow connection
  • Bad connection between your ISP to the world
  • Bad connection between your country to the world like Undersea cable got cut which happen a lot in Vietnam as well.

"Server lag mean everyone will have lag"




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11 hours ago, Wartale said:

Hi there,


As mention repeatedly, there is not much we can do if the lag only happen to few people or 1 country.

The lag issue can be caused by:

  • Slow connection
  • Bad connection between your ISP to the world
  • Bad connection between your country to the world like Undersea cable got cut which happen a lot in Vietnam as well.

"Server lag mean everyone will have lag"






Sorry, but defintely there is a server problem, be it on the software or the hardware side (data center that hosts Wartale).

The Exp Event proved that. Many players experienced absurd level of lag, where the ping would go to 20k or even higher. Any glimpse at Trade Chat at any given moment, it was filled with lag complaints. 

The problem of ISP through the world is indeed real. However, i've tested Wartale with WTFast, a software that creates a VPN and make sure that the connection to the server is the shortest available.

And, it worked for me - from 400ms average, it went down to 160~200ms. However, even with WTFast, during peak moments the ping skyrocketed to 20000 ms or even more. Enabling or disabling wtfast didn't do any difference, and if there was a problem with ISP through the world, the increased lag would not be 19800ms of extra latency.

Also, being Brazilian myself, I can keep track of how well the underseas connection is working fine through Azure - 



It makes a cosntant connection while showing a graph of ping measured towards of many servers around the globe. If there was an ISP problem here in Brazil, Azure (and whatever other ping test site) would increase the ping average to the same level of the ping we had on Wartale. However, Azure and all other ping measures sites display, at least for me, 500ms or less of ping average on servers very far away. 

As stated by many here on this thread, we're constantly playing on 1k-2k ping, where at the peak (many players online), i got 20k and even more. If there wasn't any server problem, by common logic we would have 500ms at max.

And please, i'm not complaining. I really want to draw the Staff attention to this lag problem, and stop thinking that any lag issue must be on pesky sharks biting underseas cables, instead on admitting that  the game itself or on the datacenter that hosts the Wartale servers might be the source of the lag problem.

Lag is the worst nightmare in any online game, it's a make or break for many players out there. I don't want to see Wartale losing players due to lag problems being considered as an ISP or Country problem.

Edited by DarkLink64
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Hi all,


Just got an updated form our Dev team, they are still working on this issue to improve the network performance. This process does required a lot of testing involve to get to the point that we are aiming for so please be patient.


We are going to have another maintenance before the SW to boost the performance again.




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