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extra drop by full party

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Hello guys!


I have a question about extra drop that we get when we have full party:


i.e: if I have:


- 2 characters 116 (A)

- 1 character 132 (B)

- 1 character 126 (C)

- 1 character 138 (D)

- 1 character 100 (E)


and I make bridge to get full party with them. Will I get an extra drop? because characters A,B,C have less than18 lvl diff (which is ok according to party guide), characters E and A have also less than 18 lvl diff. But, characters E and B (D or C also) have more than 18 lvl diff (same occurs with characters A and D). So my question is: will I get an extra drop with a team like that?


Since now, thanks ?

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But they have to be within party's range and actively participate in the battle (not leeching)

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