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Assassins (Question)

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Hello, i just started training my assassin and i realized that i need two daggers to use abilities 

my question is 

if one dagger is level 100 and the other is 110 for example 

how will the attack power will actually work?

like on what dagger will it depend on?

Thank you.

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The daggers doesn't depend each other, if you have one with 92-104 of pod.atk you'll receive 46-54 of pod.atk, and other dagger with 120-128 pod.atk you will receice more 60-64 of pod.atk. The final atk is the soma of both 46-54 +60-64 = 106-118

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Atk pow 1st Dagger / 2 + Atk Pow 2nd Dagger / 2

Same goes for Atk Rating, block, critical and atk speed and mix properties.

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