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[OG] Ept original Players

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English speaking players from Ept 2001, back in the old $3 a month days.


Looking to recruit some Original Gangstas who have joined up on this wonderful server to relive their PT experience on a whole new level!


If anyone's interested, post here and let me know your in-game name from here and from back on Ept 

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AutoMech, Xvipress, FightingViper - And yours?


I used to play with Battleboy, Justme, ScubaSteve, DimebagPike, Rosethorn and many others!

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1 hour ago, phatbz said:

atitxdragon 9x-ks retired before pay2play

You probably remember Maximus Alibaba and hSn humpty-dumpty all these knights of Galantia ?

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20 hours ago, Dior said:

You probably remember Maximus Alibaba and hSn humpty-dumpty all these knights of Galantia ?

Yes I remember maximus, hi bro ?

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ahh i remember your name Xvipress. I played 2002 and later. Battleboy was one of my long time clan members. Good old time ? Whats your current ign?


..After studying my old screenshots i see, we had Auto-Mech in the clan. Is that you?



Hope see u in game





Edited by Necrodilez

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I was play EPT b4


I_am_SaRaaB ks 8x

Eternal PS 9x

Hair[red] AS 9x

Darker PS 10x 



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OMG!!! NECRO!! YES! It's me! Holy Crap! I was lookin for all my screens and couldn't find any, this is awesome. Ahhhh Atomic-Dragonz!

We need to link up ingame!


My Current ingames are:


AutoMecha - 125MS

HolyViper - 116KS

ShammyShine - 117SS

Edited by AncientViper

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On 9/7/2018 at 12:49 PM, mcslug2 said:

I was -_IcanFLY_- mgs 8x

I remember you!!


I would love to link up with everyone in this thread! I'm usually around after 7pm EST

Edited by AncientViper

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The good old days. Saggi, claymore and blaze/claw shield at 7x ?

Edited by dahnyol

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16 minutes ago, dahnyol said:

The good old days. Saggi, claymore and blaze/claw shield at 7x ?


So many good memories. 

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22 hours ago, Dior said:

Seem like not too many still touching this game haha.

I know, it's a shame, i still like to play. Its fun and i always love EpT. 

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Coming back to this game on testing, @Dior Blue you maybe would remember me, i got lost hahaha, was old mage that played with (Ben)SunGodRa i was Copperfield greetings

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7 hours ago, Jjdark said:

Coming back to this game on testing, @Dior Blue you maybe would remember me, i got lost hahaha, was old mage that played with (Ben)SunGodRa i was Copperfield greetings

ofcourse i remember you !


whats up ?!

how is ben and nicole ? (if i remember right his wife name)

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17 hours ago, Dior said:

ofcourse i remember you !


whats up ?!

how is ben and nicole ? (if i remember right his wife name)


i got lost on Study and Work hahaha, lots of time havent played, coming to say hello xD

With Ben and Nicole (you remember very well), i got lost conection with thems, i tought they were here... ?


What about you man! hows going? seems to be a nice player! 

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Greetings to all of you guys, good to see you doing well.


Not sure if any of you guys remember but around that pay to pay period on Galantia i had ks called [KoRn]. in the later era near pay to pay.


I remember Maximus, humpty-dumpty, knights of rounds etc all of those high knights and sungodra around my era.


I gave up knight and started pike called [L], alot had changed yes, but good too see some faces around, wheather its here or on ept.

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My IGN was Draeber (still is). also played from the beginning, early beta even. I cant say I know any of your names though.

Reached 9x only to find out that the droprate in ice was shit. Got 1 mana pot after spending 5. My reward after 8 hours every day.

Good times, lol.

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