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[OG] Ept original Players

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Interesting. I actually recognize some of the names mentioned here, though I'm 100% positive I never actually played with any of them, considering the level difference and all. I started playing at some point in 2002 and my highest level in ePT I believe was 62 or so, with a blonde mech, even playing with some 8x friends later on I needed some people to bridge the gap so we could form a party.


I guess I should have spent less time on PTProphecy and the IRC chatroom.

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Hey guys!! I cant remember my name from ePT T.T but I remember doing p2p! lol, I was a 5x Knight..... back in the day of standing on the house in oasis and casting DL when t2 first came for morion!!! 


Im just downloading the game again now, I reformatted my pc! haha

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