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Euro, VND,

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This is the list of Euro Countries:

1) Andorra

2) Austria

3) Belgium

4) Cyprus

5) Estonia

6) Finland

7) France

8 ) Germany

9) Greece

10) Ireland

11) Italy

12) Kosovo

13) Luxembourg

14) Malta

15) Monaco

16) Montenegro

17) Netherlands

18) Portugal

19) San Marino

20) Slovakia

21) Slovenia

22) Spain

23) Vatican City


Of course whoever live in VN said sell for VND or whatever slang they used WILL GET BAN

BUT when people live in those Euro Contries say something like sell for Euro and this have 2 option:

1/ for Euro thro Donate

2/ for real $$

GM dont know that when they say Euro does they mean Euro donation or Real $$ here???

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i guess most of the time they mean donations...thats how it should be anyways...

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I think GMs love europeans and hate all the rest


So unless you're european you better not sell for real currencies

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Easy, 99.9% say sell for eu.. well this 99.9% have one topic in market section

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im sorry, im viet but if i sell i rather sell for USD lol...but there is no need, i dont spend $$ on game and i dont need use game to make $$


Dont mention if they buy it thro SJ that is 100% Euro thro Donation :D

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You say VND = ban

You say USD = ban

You say Reais = ban


You say Euro = ???


I mean euro donate!

- ok, no ban for you



Can you justify VND, USD or any other currency as "vnd donation", "usd donation" or something? No, you can't




Ah, and about people selling for real euros... don't mind about it. That's up to GMs, it's their own business ^-^

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