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Caravan explained...

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I can not really find any info on what the caravan does precisely maybe anyone suggested this in the past but there isnt really any explanation what it does other than hold items for you maybe there could be a way to tell the caravan to auto-loot certain things like gold or sheltoms?


Or is there a way to filter the drops so that u only see gold or the items u want ?


Im fairly new to this server and i find it rather annoying that i see loads of drops that i dont need on my screen blocking me from getting what i want to pick up.. 


Just looking for some information on this if anyone could help thanks in advance! 

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7 minutes ago, NcLee said:

Or is there a way to filter the drops so that u only see gold or the items u want ?


yes there is A loot Filter you can find it ingame,  Press F10 then click on General after go page to down then you will see ( LOOT FILTER ) 

you can chose what drop you want to see it and Also Spec for items( what spec you want to see in items ) .

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Hi there,


Welcome to our server ?

  • Drop Filter can be changed on game setting F10
  • Caravan can be buy from coin shop, drop from event and more
    • When activate it will follow you anywhere like a pet mule or stay at one spot as you want.
    • It is simply just a mobile warehouse for you to store your item
    • Once the caravan expired, all stored items will be returned to you via Item Distributor.



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17 minutes ago, Wartale said:

Hi there,


Welcome to our server ?

  • Drop Filter can be changed on game setting F10
  • Caravan can be buy from coin shop, drop from event and more
    • When activate it will follow you anywhere like a pet mule or stay at one spot as you want.
    • It is simply just a mobile warehouse for you to store your item
    • Once the caravan expired, all stored items will be returned to you via Item Distributor.




well, I was going to say this all but I got phone and you do it haha xD ? 

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