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-pause- is hacker,he should thnk twice before using hack tools its better hes off this server,hes just ruining the game and the community




Im happy to see tradechat free of "[A]-Pause- : Br dog come BC , Br Noob come bc , Noob Br come bc , Noob Come bc etc! lol ;D

funny..one more guy is following the trend " -Pause is hacker-" ..

I  think u must be happier because there is no more guy who beat *** out of you :)

Moreover, If he said as you have said  on Trade chat.. He should get banned for  a while now for .. "bad language" .. Its  a "trade chat" dude..GMs have eyes too

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woah vanbini owned? y u no reply? umad? don't you tl;dr me -.-'

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If defence/ attack error. Its just bug


that ain't no bug,u can only get that from a hacktool.

if his gonna quit and some of his friends leave because of that ? lol so what, and if his friends wanna leave aswell,then nobody ain't holding them back.

its a game ppl come and go,so lose 1 hacker,gain 2 fair players...so we ain't worried.



Dont sure about the things u dont know exactly  :)

anyway u right "hackers should leave"

im not discuss about hacker should do something just wanted gm check this case again  :)

@Skpunker : Read again topic's subject . And if u think : its just bug, enough to stop talking about it . Thanks !


oh k, and what abt shinny? wha happens? can u explain us?

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Dont sure about the things u dont know exactly  :)


lol ? have been an admin on PT server before and i know what i'm talking about,but u...omg ur so fat in head that u don't wanna believe the truth.

if its a so called ''bug'' then prove me and rest of the PT community ( the whole PT ) wrong.

if u can't then,start being a stupid one and start listening others,who actually know what they are saying.



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i hope gm can check again about this case. Im sure , pause never use any tool hack /lag like some ppl thought-.- If defence/ attack error. Its just bug .

Some one in my clan will quit rpt if pause wont unbanned because we know, he is a good player ingame and rl also .



Bye bye



I know you wish for it everyday...be a good boy then Santa will grant your wish... SOMEDAY


Santa not need make nothing, DESIRE EVER MADE  :P

before going sleep.. wish for it everyday and nite..boy


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Wartale comunity will be better w/o this HACKERS.


U said "bug" ???


-Pause- w/o hack mode on is easy to kill as it is easy to take candy from a baby


But when hack mode come ON even so GM cant to do it


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@Skpunker : Read again topic's subject . And if u think : its just bug, enough to stop talking about it . Thanks !

@ koji :i was standing beside him when he get banned. We joined SOD . After round 8 ended , he dced and get auto banned. i know he didnt use any program -.-Its cause why i hope gm check it again . im never sure about things i dont know exactly -.-


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I don't think that you got any of the words I just typed.

let me explain on a childish way that I hope you'll understand. Ohh and please, do read it propperly.


-Pause- is like what, 13x? there is no way that he did it all by him self. He probbaly donated to 120 or w/e the max is and then leeched the sh!t out of some1 like you all do. And those items, no way he aged and/or gemmed or even FOUND one of them on his own so lets assume he donated for about 300euro's right? a reasonal ammount I believe.

Now, after he donated he must have tought "Now I'm the best!" but he was not. So he wanted some assistance. He 1st claimed (like 90% of you) it was "lag".

Ok, that's believeable (wtf typo xD?) but after that stage, he and many of you, he said "IM PRO YOU DOG". Yes, Pro... sure... what ever lets just move on shall we :)

Then people found out the truth and called him an "Hacker" (wich he is. that's why he's banned, not?) and yet still, almost ALLof you Vietnamese players claim he dident hack? well excuse me but you people are retarded. re-tar-ded.


Thanks for reading.


p.s; YES I may have mentioned "you". thats becouse heaven and vietclan are all covering up for each other so that's why I did that.

are u stupid??? did you ever read my post?? or you just jump in the middle and start  shouting as ppl as non-educated boy???

if you are  as i said so plz shut ur mouth up and move your ass away before your mum did it



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I asked Vanbibi a question. Are you vanbibi? no. so gtfo and get that sharpy out you're butt.

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@vanbibi oh lol u had an typo xD then my bad for insulting u.


there are ppl who hate and know his a hacker ( -pause- ) and ppl who wanna protect him and if u gonna say ''he maybe innocent'' then u gonna start a huge flame over it.

next time just PM the staff who deals with those things,then nobody can't flame each other or being flamed at :/


but yeah i think one of the staff should actually have a final word here xD we can flame/QQ/rage here all we want,over a pointless thing.

if his innocent - he gets unbanned

if his a hacker - he gets perm banned

simple as that.


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