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sjoerd noob

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Ur choice, pay 15 euro without SS, or dont get it back at all.?? you say, is you answer sjoerd???? sjoerd you're terrible maricon you're quite the thief was a miserable singao of money paid 5 euros extra for not having your server went ss wing crap that same shit here man go wing are putting this bad people say you're a fucking of interested in money Fuck,go to your server is crap and not bother here unless you give me back my armor I will post your photo in the press,Remember when I was in your server becomes empty> <hopefully sandurr you vote the hell out of here



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could u calm down?

for the restore you must have the SS of ur item, how they will know if it was rly perf or u're lieing?? a bit more of bother work.



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eyy arthur you know how pay in server for donation? you can calm dowm? shut up manyou know i am?

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I smell ban coming up. Until that better keep this closed ^_____^

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