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Fury Quest

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Hello GM help me.....

The Red Fury quest is in trouble, he is much stronger,

since this is my second char pt, and when I killed it on another char,

was normal, now it's hard for me that i'm prs lvl 110....

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lol no wonder ur a prs,killing fury with a prs its hard.

and GM can't help u here,its all  u

use hit and run and pot technic and get some rebirth scrolls it should work  xD

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isn't normal.... i fight with him 40 min, and dont kill.... lol

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really tough to be honest too ^^


i cnt finish him in 1 hour as im KS 135 :(

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i killed fury quest with my ata when i'm lvl 100, and was easy.....

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i killed fury quest with my ata when i'm lvl 100, and was easy.....

is not that quest fury they are talking about.


But i agree i tryed to make this quest with my ata xD no way, and some ppl of my clan tell this quest is buged. 

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The quest is bugged atm the SoD Phantom Fury spawns instead of the usual Quest Fury.


This bug will be fixed next maint.

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The quest is bugged atm the SoD Phantom Fury spawns instead of the usual Quest Fury.


This bug will be fixed next maint.


OK but meaning to say the Fury in CT3 meant to be hard nowadays?

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Oww, I tried the quest another day and didn't notice that was phantom fury :P


@koji rebirth scrolls isn't a good tatic, because every time you die he will restore his hp.

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Lol, i killed the phantom fury solo with my ata.

Took me 30-50mins to killed it and drop gladi hammer and mundane.

I wanted the quest reward badly. :P

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It's is a bug !

Only the second Fury (Phantom Fury) "super strong" :D. I play mech and must be build auto mech to kill him over 1 hour and die 3 times :(.

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The quest is bugged atm the SoD Phantom Fury spawns instead of the usual Quest Fury.


This bug will be fixed next maint.


OK but meaning to say the Fury in CT3 meant to be hard nowadays?

This got nothing with CT3 boss, there's nothing wrong with it


Fury quest is lvl100 one. The problem is that the Fury that spawns on it is the same that spawns on round 8 at SoD


wait for the next patch, as Wartale said, so this will be fixed

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