Neither 183 Report post Posted October 4, 2018 Oh Hello. I'm here to talk about the shields of knights. Godly shield is obivly better than Divine Shield. But when we point the cursor on Godly, show us a message. "100% Chain divine shield". This is status from Devine shield at lvl 10 are: Added Block Rating : 4% Damage to HP Conversion : 90% Thats status from Godly Shield : " Godly Shield automatically activates properties of Divine Shield. " Added Absorption Rating : 25% My question is, That's a bug or a misspell definition ? The stats from devine shield "appears" to be not working, at least the Damage hp converted. (Test were made at Ancient Dungeon 3) I've tried using devine shield lvl 1 and godly lvl 10.(Buffing with godly shield) And what happen is : there's no diference.( only 25% reduction) When i use Devine Shield, my hp instantly recover when a undead hits me ( it's supose to work with GODLY TOO). So i'll ask, it's a misspell description ? I've tried to run another " chain " skills, like T5 buff from FS. And it gives atk rating from Concentration as suposse to do. Another example is Physical Absorption From Mech Tier 1 Where Metal Armor ( Tier 3 ) gives 200% chain bonus. Would like if anyone could explain what's happen. It's a bug or im seeing in the wrong perspective ? For the attention. Thanks you. Regards to the Team. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fbrzin1 17 Report post Posted October 6, 2018 nice question, looks like its bugged Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gromka 29 Report post Posted October 9, 2018 its a nice observation and u have a reasson the shield t3 not its work with this function only is worked with block but no hp regen Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Neither 183 Report post Posted October 17, 2018 Oh, Hello. It seems to an official answer from Staff about this topic and here's the reply. or on topic To clear they will add the correct description of the skill on next patch. Thanks for you patience Share this post Link to post Share on other sites