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Lag ABUSE and more

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I wont make this post a big testament just consice words.


Hi, as me there is alot of people who is sick about people that ruins this game using data transfer programs, lag abuse and taking advantage of the deficiencies of the game, saying in some way. Most of all are tired of what some idiots call "good play" ending as highly annoying this can be. You all wanna know what i called this??? WASTE OF TIME. I haven't read posts like this because i thought some messures were be made to end this but untill now is the same.


Why can't be fair game?



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im also tired, this abusers are ruining this server, as likido said, theres a big list, the most laggers are from heaven/vietclan, im not offending anyone, just saying the true.




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I'm working on the best solution to it.


However would be nice to get input from anyone who knows exactly the tricks they are using (like which tools, or what other things they do to 'lag' (if its really lag or maybe even cheating))


For now I'll ban anyone who I caught live on my secret characters doing it multiple times. Perm ban or not I dont know yet, for now temp ban, perhaps removing pvp exp aswell as punishment. Please note reporting a user doing the tricks wont help, you can however pm me the names of players who you think needs checking, and I'll login my secret chars and check them out sometime.

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I'm working on the best solution to it.


However would be nice to get input from anyone who knows exactly the tricks they are using (like which tools, or what other things they do to 'lag' (if its really lag or maybe even cheating))


For now I'll ban anyone who I caught live on my secret characters doing it multiple times. Perm ban or not I dont know yet, for now temp ban, perhaps removing pvp exp aswell as punishment. Please note reporting a user doing the tricks wont help, you can however pm me the names of players who you think needs checking, and I'll login my secret chars and check them out sometime.


Well yes thanks. At least you read what the comunity says but trust me it will be a matter of time for this error to be made again.

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Upgrade Server connection...period....

- I don't think about anyone using lag abuse to others, this is problem of the server with jamp of traffic


Personally, when I kill people they said I am lagging and when people kill me 5-10 seconds after I die, I start see people more than 5 come to kill me. That is the reason why I said people lag..my connection good ? But why I kill people and they said I am lagging ? My mouse moving good only connection to server.

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+ 1 for San..

Dont blame anyone is lagger when u die.. there is always more than 1 reason than...the thing is getting funny when i kill some1 then  I were named as Lagger but not versa.. anyway upgrating server connection seem to be good long term solution

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If I kill someone and it seems like im not lagging they say I lag.


We x1 again, I die, and watch them do 5 skills over my dead body...


Server connection definitely needs an upgrade.

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right now.. server connection is extremely lagging any1 now go to BC for 1 on 1 then u know what  I mean by more than 1 reason of your death,, :)

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Upgrade Server connection...period....

- I don't think about anyone using lag abuse to others, this is problem of the server with jamp of traffic


I'm not sure the connection alone is the issue. Servers very rarely suffer from bandwidth problems (unless it's very poorly optimized), more often it's a case of the server not being able to handle the computation load or that the database look-ups takes too long. The game is certainly laggy, as evidenced by the fact that I can have two characters logged in at the same time and see one character move in the other window about 1 or 2 seconds after I actually made it move. I doubt it's a simple case of end-to-end delay though, as my latency should be around 50ms or so. I'd sooner blame either the netcode of PT, or the hardware of the server.

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On every server I've ever played PT has always had delay, I'm not sure if it's even possible to completely remove this sort of thing.

Like Crius said,I personally have really good internet and I still get the 1-2 second delayed movement between clients.

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On every server I've ever played PT has always had delay, I'm not sure if it's even possible to completely remove this sort of thing.

Like Crius said,I personally have really good internet and I still get the 1-2 second delayed movement between clients.

True, delay always happen



But come on, stop blaming connection and stuff like that. People are using lag to play, that's a fact. Most of you are playing PT for ages, I'm sure dealing with lag isn't something new for you


When you got lag you can't play nicely. While lagging you kill better, yes, because it's like you charge the damage while lagging and deal that all at once, but the same thing happen on the other way, you'll recieve a lot of damage at once. When people start to kill easily and becoming immortal lagging it's not lag anymore, it's bug abuse. And don't blame the server, if that was server's fault it would happen to everyone, but that just happen to a selected group of players

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So LAG Abuse is to be punished or to be forgived. Cant the server auto logout the player if the ping is more than certain number?

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delay IS part of pt.


I happened to play on two accounts at the same time, one on my laptop and one on my desktop. Same (shared) connection, one wi-fi the other one ethernet.... I had lag. Both screens (laptop's and monitor) side by side so i could see everything in real time.


I mean... 2 characters close each other, both controlled by me... whenever i casted a skill the other character on the other pc would take a couple of seconds to see the animation.*


So you should aim at solving that before caring about exploits (i remember one of the exploits on ept was to capture screenshots, like constantly pressing the hotkey... that would make other people lag like hell but dunno if it works in rpt because i don't pvp and never tried)




* try that Wartale and let me know if it's just me :D

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So LAG Abuse is to be punished or to be forgived. Cant the server auto logout the player if the ping is more than certain number?

Sure, don't let people play if they got poor connection, right?



Lag abuse is against the rules, I don't know if anyone did ever mind to read them.

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I'm glad that Wartale is going to do something about it though :)


Like y'all said, everybody has to deal with a little lag here and there... but you know when people abuse it, and they need to start feeling the negative effects of it!


Tired of morons who lag talking super crap cause they don't get punished for it... like they're getting away with it. Now they won't :)

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Why is my online game so slow?




A games online performance can be attributed to many factors. Below is a listing of some of the different causes of why an online game may be slow or laggy.


Connection speed


If you are using a modem to connect and play online games you are going to notice a much higher ping then other players who may have a better connection then you. If you have a broadband connection and are experiencing lag test your Internet connection to see what your throughput is.


    * How do I determine the speed of my Internet connection? ==> speedtest.net or others


Testing your connections speed can be helpful to determine if your if the slow connection is because of your connection or the server connection.




Where a server is located, how many players are playing on the server, what connection the server has, and how fast of computer the server is are all factors that can contribute to a slow or laggy online game experience. Below are a few recommendations to try.


  1. See if all users are experiencing high pings or high latency. Often if all users are slow it's likely the server is a slow computer or has too many players for the connection being used.

  2. Try an alternate server. Severs can be located anywhere in the world and if the server you are playing on is in another country it can affect your connection speed with some games.

  3. Try playing the game at a different time of day, if the server is a server that is being used for more than just running a game server it could be currently experiencing a heavy work load or high bandwidth usage causing the game to go slow.




Verify you have the latest updates for your game as well as the operating system you are using to play the games on. Often updating the game to the latest version, updating the hardware drivers, and updating the operating system can improve a games performance offline and online.


More complex environment


When entering an area with several other online players the stress on your computer increases because of the requirements needed to load each of the characters and their actions. If you find the performance of your computer decreasing each time other players are on your screen or around you try decreasing the video quality of your game. This is often done through the Settings or Display area of the game.


How do I view the ping in an online game?


Many online games will have a feature that can be enabled/disabled and allows you to see the ping or latency of your connection with the game server. Unfortunately where this information is located and how to enable/disable it is all dependent on the game. See your documentation or ask other players in the game how to display this setting.


How do I know if my ping is high?


As mentioned above, the higher the ping or latency value the worse your connection. However, whether or not it is high when compared with other users on the same server really depends on the game and the server. Some online games have color coded ping/latency/connection indicators. For example, red for bad (high ping), yellow for ok, and green for good (fast or low ping).


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Thanks for the useful info minjee but we r talking about abysing the lag not their connection. Thanks ^^

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What I love, and I mean absolutely love... is how clever so many people are... to like... use random factoids to try to have an explanation for everything -_-


Ummm, hack? I no hack... call GM, ask GM to find hack on me... kkkkkk


Listen, just because you're using something that possibly isn't detectable doesn't mean that you aren't using something, ya know? And it's always usually very radical shit too...


There are so many examples, gears, aging, xping, and pvp obviously... but yet being clever usually will get you out of it :)

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Thanks for the useful info minjee but we r talking about abysing the lag not their connection. Thanks ^^

When you kill me and I don't know who kill and after 5 seconds later I saw alot people come to kill me, then I said you are lagger abuse. And when I killed you and you said I am lagger ? What is the point here ? Anyone have good answer for this situation ? who is real lagger here ? of course when crowdy with more than 20 people in BC and fighting each other...you have to understand about it with different people from different parts of the world, various connections, pc performance,...etc... You complain about myself is lagging, so who I have to complain then ? You ....no, I don't give shit cause I am not annoy to assume your false or mine cause I don't know what wrong. But if GM testing for this case he have to be from part where people are and understand what going wrong. If Wartale testing on his locally, for sure he know other lag not himself.


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Topic about lag abuse, don't mind justifying yourself here

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I don't really know anything about what "lag abuse" means in this context or what it involves, but imposing bandwidth restrictions or static delay on packets is ridiculously easy and completely undetectable (unless you don't mind a lot of false positives).

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NOTE: when I said "enough, don't mid justifying yourself here" I mean exactly that


So yea, enough. I don't want to see your excuses here.

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I am not excuse...Gogg...did you delete my post twice with snapshot of the BR guys..lagging ?

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SS doesn't show lag. Few free to report them if you want, just telling you you'll fail badly


Read the topic again, pay attention at what Wartale posted here

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