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What are your expectations for the server?

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Hello, as the server is receiving great Rage from the players regarding the long delay of the T5, however in my opinion this should not be one of the main things for the server, as it will not change the difficulty that the server is having in relationships attractive because the maps and the fun of the players are being monopolized and nothing is changing I can base other servers although some servers have already obtained T5 some are failing because they prioritize only those who have full conditions to donate command the server can by as a base in this XtremePK has already been a server with more than 2000 people online and today does not have 60 players daily because who wants to be something has to pay. People will say that only with donate the server however maintains different ways to attract new players and get a high score, sometimes it is better to have 100 players who donates 20-30 euros monthly than a top level donating 1000 euros every 6 months.
I for example why I came to the server, after 1 year of opening of the game I came here for reasons logica first server to be optimized and at that time I was able to fight in bc without having the need to be full donate, of course I had some disadvantages for the player being full donate and the other full drop but had competition nowadays I doubt any player say to me that managed to stay full dropping items in SL (Alone), at the time they had items 120-128 most had the items, the difference came mainly in Aging and gold that was highly valued today if you offer for some gold the person refuses because there are people per a and that has more than 100GB, this is my opinion for the server change does not have to be some newly new (Logically always have to have something to be differential from another server) but sometimes things can be adjusted in the basics.



The intention of this topic is for the Wartale community to express simple ideas so that the server can have some adjustments.

Example: I will recently activate PVP in Mystery Florest.

It may be a small or big idea but I advise to go for the simple because you can perceive news where programming has to be used or development always takes a lot of time!

Edited by Marvel

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i guess its a waste of time.


i didnt read what u wrote, but we know that dont matter what we talk about the staff, nothing will change.


all know.



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following the "Development plan":
- Quest Books is ready;
- Skill Balance (Project Zeus) is ready;

Following the current message of when we enter the game: Tier 5 comes in the next patch (that we understand that in this patch).

So, what do I expect:
- Quest Book;
- Project Zeus;
- Tier 5;
- bug's fix (as it was done weekly).


I believe that 80% of the players will not care if the server stays 1 week off, but come what is ready and what is promised (all above,
because sincerely, we are all tired of waiting for what is promised and never comes.).



Good weekend to everyone.



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