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MOD Bullying people on GAME ? Need Wartale to consider about your Staffs.

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My posting not really harm to any one just let people know my snapshot of people how lag they are...cause everyday they always say Viet hackers and laggers. And we did not do any defense about how BRs lagging it is. I really don't like Flap to install on my PC cause it will be lag (beside my PC is i7 with 8 cores could handle that).

But just a part of one snapshot, just want to show how BR folks lagging it is. I ran out of flag for couple seconds plus time to take snapshot with hand and keyboard not included but still see the guys using skilling and another one still on the air. Wonder how lag they are ? I am not defense to anyone, but this is just suggestion for Wartale to your staffs who delete my snapshot many times (twice already). I really don't want anyone bullying people on the game and even in the forum. Please respect to people with their post. This is freedom expression......I don't want to mention anyone....but hopefully, judge yourself...MOD is help gamers to solve problem not bullying gamers.




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and u think a MOD deleted ur post ?

who else have that power ? except me

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everybody whos in the staff ? ur saying that a MOD deleted ur post,how do u know that a GM didn't deleted ur post ?

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everybody whos in the staff ? ur saying that a MOD deleted ur post,how do u know that a GM didn't deleted ur post ?

GM might, but I don't think GM care about this shit. (I meant delete this type of post)

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dunno it could been any1 in teh staff just because they didn't like what they saw xD

but yeah i saw ur pic in the other topic and lol'd when i saw the dude in the air skilling and few hours later it was deleted,so its kinda rude to do that :/


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A Mod deleted your post, me.


And I will delete again if I see it there.


Problem? PM an admin about it. Another topic like this and you'll get in trouble, kid

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