EnvyMe 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2010 Ok so as far as i know Sandur removed the ePT mixes out of rPT. Now i wouldn't mind that or anything but all of the new mixes or so far whats been posted require celesto+. When your 10x+ maybe celes don't matter but even so then its not something i just WANT to go waste, having the option of a cheap and effective devine or murky mix was nice.... So i'm curious if the ePT mixes are going to be put back in or if you guys [GM's] are going to make any cost-effective mixes for people who aren't as rich as most or don't have celes to just throw around. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gogg 3 Report post Posted January 26, 2010 It's not done yet, you should wait untill it's finished to start complaining Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EnvyMe 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2010 Wasn't a complaint as much as it may have seemed that way. What i was getting at which i obviously wasn't clear enough was if the ePT mixes were going to be re-added or some lower mixes for not just armor/weps/ but also boots and gaunts.... etc. The boots/gaunts/orbs.... that stuffs done already and i've yet to see one mix w/o a celesto requirement (thats what i was referring to when i said "if any cheaper mixes will be added") Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gogg 3 Report post Posted January 26, 2010 Maybe they will, let's wait untill it's done Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Claus 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2010 I am agree with the EnvyMe, anyways Gogg is right, the mix table is not complete yet. I see very expensive and low the bennefices of mixes atm , we coundn't do a definitive opinion about it 'till end of table ... So i have an idea, NPC seller of Sheltoms as the existent on Atlantis, but no sells low sheltoms as Lucidy,sereneo (totaly unusefull on server),fadeo,sparky,radients (collectable and able for be on comerce) and add the sell of celestos and mirages. Why? with the no sells of low gems, the usefull can be an way to our new players on server a way to collect gold, even the mix are so hight cost. If you wont pay, can go and hunt to get them. I remember, the sheltoms are not only for mix or age, are too for be an accessory,force and who knows if someday will be able to craft items. NOTE: why mix over age an item, normaly was the cheapest, but still the no have to mature the items for use the benefices... I had sell many items not totaly matured cause becomes uneficient for my character. thanks for read this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gogg 3 Report post Posted January 26, 2010 I guess the sheltons are not easy to find to make aging even harder. Maybe mixes should be a little easier, but only for set/rings/amulets. Itens that can be aged deserve hard mixes, or aging won't worth that much Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EnvyMe 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2010 I think they need to have mixes that are concurrent with ages... I think there should be +6maxmin and +8maxmin mixes on weps that don't req. celes because most people dont really need but 6-8 or more damage on a wep they use for 5 levels.... when your 6-9x levels fly by so whats the point in aging EVERYTHING to +9 or higher.... So you mix things instead... but the mixes are cost effective compared to the effects of aging. Thats all i'm getting at.... Also.... a cheap armor mix that gives like 50def and 3abs would be nice for your lower chars if you wanna mix there armors while your leveling them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
arthur~ 2 Report post Posted January 26, 2010 Correctme if i'm wrong, but if i wanna give HP mix in pole (for example) this would be very expansive =X, i just think this need to have something more accessible, celesto its not easy to drop yet ^^ something like 1 dev 40 hp? just one sugestion... plan a new mix for bom... idk :o Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Beloo 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2010 I should have know, because they are not with shelton% drop so good, not to saying to much but the easy one because it helped in this difficult mix. Thank you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Vodka- 665 Report post Posted January 26, 2010 all mix go to use 2 at least celesto lol ,it goes to be well difficult Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Electron 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2010 Lower mixes will be added too, eventually, let's see how this works for now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
arthur~ 2 Report post Posted January 26, 2010 Lower mixes will be added too, eventually, let's see how this works for now. ;D;D;D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Claus 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2010 Thanks Wartale, for your answer and be atending our doubts ... : I hope it coulbe soon avaliable the lower mix. To join playin now And high levels, please dont sell so hight prices the gems :-[ a curious On old mix and from other servers i no use mix with HP/SP , what is the bennefice of 20hp (example) if a mosnter cut you 150,200 hp on 1 hit ... I preffer deff,atk,abs,blk, over simple hp/mp ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ohaiyo 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2010 Lower mixes will be added too, eventually, let's see how this works for now. i tot like omg? how to mix like that at least cele and its abit hard to get cele lol but since u say so then that is good ^^ Good Jobs Sandy ^^ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VaGo 87 Report post Posted January 26, 2010 afff i was waiting to make a cheap mix for my mule (default dev mix) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tetsu 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2010 I hope Wartale will bring the original dev/murky mixing formula back Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pinback 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2010 I hope Wartale will bring the original dev/murky mixing formula back What about stop crying and thank him for all work he did, I'm sure rpt will not have murky +6 +6 mix, it's overpowered check on list, +8 +8 mix use 4 celestos, so I guess if Wartale do a murky mix it will give you +3 +3 or something like that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lajota 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2010 affs --' Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Electron 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2010 Lower mixes will be added Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lava 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2010 Hey guys, I was wondering something about the Best Oredo Mix, and since this is a mix topic, I think I'll post here. Imo BOM in the weapons is quite useless. I don't know, but +1 weapons speed and some atk rate and mana is a little bit too low for 9 Oredos, don't you think? I think it would worth it if it added some atk power or something, because the way it is now, I prefer to save same Oredos and do other mix than that ^^ Post you opinions about it cYa Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mercury 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2010 Hey guys, I was wondering something about the Best Oredo Mix, and since this is a mix topic, I think I'll post here. Imo BOM in the weapons is quite useless. I don't know, but +1 weapons speed and some atk rate and mana is a little bit too low for 9 Oredos, don't you think? I think it would worth it if it added some atk power or something, because the way it is now, I prefer to save same Oredos and do other mix than that ^^ Post you opinions about it cYa +1 atk speed is very useful tho Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gogg 3 Report post Posted January 26, 2010 If there's a mix that add atk pow and atk speed everyone will run for it besides age Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lava 0 Report post Posted January 27, 2010 Hey guys, I was wondering something about the Best Oredo Mix, and since this is a mix topic, I think I'll post here. Imo BOM in the weapons is quite useless. I don't know, but +1 weapons speed and some atk rate and mana is a little bit too low for 9 Oredos, don't you think? I think it would worth it if it added some atk power or something, because the way it is now, I prefer to save same Oredos and do other mix than that ^^ Post you opinions about it cYa +1 atk speed is very useful tho I know it's very useful, but I was wondering if it was good enough to spend 3 or 4 more Oredos and don't get any atk power, and if it's best to have +1 speed than +16 atk... :-X Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pinback 0 Report post Posted January 27, 2010 I'm sure it is, that's why it is so expensive Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RauL~ 1 Report post Posted January 27, 2010 Lower mixes will be added nice because help all ^^ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites