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What about stop crying and thank him for all work he did, I'm sure rpt will not have  murky +6 +6 mix, it's overpowered check on list, +8 +8 mix use 4 celestos, so I guess if Wartale do a murky mix it will give you +3 +3  or something like that.


In Original Formula there is no murky +6 + 6 formula too


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I think that for that +1 speed gem to actually really help is when you also have the sod crown bonus. Other than that, you wont really know much of a difference.

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I think that for that +1 speed gem to actually really help is when you also have the sod crown bonus. Other than that, you wont really know much of a difference.

agreed, flat +1 speed and a few bonuses other than raw atk pow and atk rating don't worth that much sheltons (and gold) IMHO.

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In Original Formula there is no murky +6 + 6 formula too



+6 +6 is dev, murky is +3, +5, anyway, I guesswtwill not have this mixes.

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Hey its eXile :DD


And yeah this is just a bump :]

lower mixes plx.

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For Example

HP( +2 ) | SP( +10 ) | MP( +6 ) | SPReg( +1 )



What dose SP( +10 ) add? what is SP?

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For Example

HP( +2 ) | SP( +10 ) | MP( +6 ) | SPReg( +1 )



What dose SP( +10 ) add? what is SP?


thats a bad mix lol.... wth whered you find that mix.

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afff i was waiting to make a cheap mix for my mule :/ (default dev mix)



it helo a lot..

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