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I think is time to discuss on mgs since it cnt do anything in mamy area other than xp which even doesnt help much at all. Will post the suggested improvements soon. While would be nice to hear some feedback.



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Lol, it's funny you post this topic.


Because a few hours ago I suggested some changes to Wartale and it seems mages will get some nice improvements (especially when it comes to hunting).


(Don't know when, though.)

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Mage could need a huge boost in hunting.

So their Damage over time should be higher.


Ways to do that


-Increase fire elemental damage alot

-Increase Dancing sword damage alot


Secondly, their one on one damage could use some boost aswell.

For pvp it wouldnt mean that much, since mage skills have absolutely 0 critical, and they have low attack rating in player vs player.


-Increase Deathray damage alot



Actually do these changes, and mages can be a nice char for exping, and hunting.

Will play a supportive in BC, and can kill sometimes a bit, but dont expect too much out of the killing part due the 0 critical and low AR.

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Mage could need a huge boost in hunting.

So their Damage over time should be higher.


Ways to do that


-Increase fire elemental damage alot

-Increase Dancing sword damage alot


Secondly, their one on one damage could use some boost aswell.

For pvp it wouldnt mean that much, since mage skills have absolutely 0 critical, and they have low attack rating in player vs player.


-Increase Deathray damage alot



Actually do these changes, and mages can be a nice char for exping, and hunting.

Will play a supportive in BC, and can kill sometimes a bit, but dont expect too much out of the killing part due the 0 critical and low AR.


That's exactly what I suggested. Except for a boost on Fire Elemental. I don't think it's needed. I'd rather see Dancing Sword boosted a LOT. And Death Ray 5 or 6 times better than it is right now, so mages can be one of the best hunters (as they should be, since they will never be able to PvP). :)

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I think is time to discuss on mgs since it cnt do anything in mamy area other than xp which even doesnt help much at all. Will post the suggested improvements soon. While would be nice to hear some feedback.



you're lucky 3R is a mage.

don't worry, he'll make em epic.


It's about time we become OP and get revenge. JAJAJA




Nah, I'm always unbiased when it comes to balancing. Truth is, mages need a major boost.

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Mage could need a huge boost in hunting.

So their Damage over time should be higher.


Ways to do that


-Increase fire elemental damage alot

-Increase Dancing sword damage alot


Secondly, their one on one damage could use some boost aswell.

For pvp it wouldnt mean that much, since mage skills have absolutely 0 critical, and they have low attack rating in player vs player.


-Increase Deathray damage alot



Actually do these changes, and mages can be a nice char for exping, and hunting.

Will play a supportive in BC, and can kill sometimes a bit, but dont expect too much out of the killing part due the 0 critical and low AR.


That's exactly what I suggested. Except for a boost on Fire Elemental. I don't think it's needed. I'd rather see Dancing Sword boosted a LOT. And Death Ray 5 or 6 times better than it is right now, so mages can be one of the best hunters (as they should be, since they will never be able to PvP). :)



Iffire elemental more AR and 4 times more dmg it will help with damage overtime

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how about the Enchant Weapon?

it is a decent skill but too weak at the moment

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oh, i would like to see it being use by all mages one day.

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Mage could need a huge boost in hunting.

So their Damage over time should be higher.


Ways to do that


-Increase fire elemental damage alot

-Increase Dancing sword damage alot


Secondly, their one on one damage could use some boost aswell.

For pvp it wouldnt mean that much, since mage skills have absolutely 0 critical, and they have low attack rating in player vs player.


-Increase Deathray damage alot



Actually do these changes, and mages can be a nice char for exping, and hunting.

Will play a supportive in BC, and can kill sometimes a bit, but dont expect too much out of the killing part due the 0 critical and low AR.


That's exactly what I suggested. Except for a boost on Fire Elemental. I don't think it's needed. I'd rather see Dancing Sword boosted a LOT. And Death Ray 5 or 6 times better than it is right now, so mages can be one of the best hunters (as they should be, since they will never be able to PvP). :)


Eventually the above is good but we need to consider on the ES because i think MGS doesnt have much Block/Evade in the formulae

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3r's and easy's suggestion should be implemented, and plus, since mage tank less than others and agility and str are useless:


- agility and str should be included in abs and health formula.


- include strr and agi on healt's formula, and increase abs and defence for magician spec in any defense iten (set and robes).


so they won't be so weak.


not a huge increase, just a bit more, to pair with others.

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Honestly the work that needs to be done on mgs/prs is a lot more than almost any other class and would take quite a while to discuss. Mgs is just plain weak atm, and prs is skewed in ways that make them stupid OP in some areas and beyond weak in others. Even archer has taken 3-4 continuous updates to start making good, mage would take even more I'd imagine and prs would seem similar to AS. Needless to say, its a lot of work and discussion we need.


Specifically about mgs:


Energy shield has got to be reworked, as their one critical defensive skill it is probably the number 1 thing mages need to be changed.


I did like the conversion idea of mgs' energy shield in the past, since magic classes do have more MP than HP so swapping the two did initially seem like a great idea by retail developers. The problem was this wasn't set for the extremes of the game. In what is low level areas here [high on retail], it was simply godmode. As the game pushed on to 9x and beyond, it became too weak since the mp loss rate became so ludicrous you could barely get even a single skill off.


I would suggest turning ES into an abs conversion ratio of some sort. Magic classes naturally have the lowest abs from gear, so high ratios aren't that strong. As long as they don't match tank mech too closely, it would be balanced. Magic classes will probably never be PvPers, so they must make up for it somewhere.


Why is abs on magic classes a good idea?


-Abs grow naturally with gear and are often appropriate for each portion of the game with their respective gear sets. MP on magic classes is always huge from level 1, it doesn't grow naturally to suit the game like abs does [hence the strength of it in the beginning, the absolute fail by the end with this]. Sure, if MP grew as fast comparatively to monster damage, they wouldn't have a problem. Losing a few thousand mana in a few seconds wouldn't be so bad with over 100k + agony, but that isn't a good idea to begin with :P.


-Abs/block is the essential part of defense for any class, there is almost nothing you can do to compensate for a horrible abs/block formula. The current mgs and the soon to be AS of the past are living proof. Abs is absolutely critical because its the only thing that really effects the rate at which you lose health. Rates are extremely important, we often talk about how x class might have 1500 hp, 30 block or w/e, but no other variable is as critical as abs. What good would 1500 hp do you if every monster on a training map hits you for 500? Rates can make all the difference in the world when it comes to games, you can imagine that there is a huge difference between losing 1 hp per second and 100.



Even if I only had 100 hp, losing 1 hp per second with that is 33x better than losing 500 hp per second with 1500 hp. Why? I've only lost 1% of my total hp after a single second with the first setup, but I've lost 33% on the second setup despite having 15x higher hp. Often this is what people suggest, giving us a better hp/mp formula, but as you can see that hardly does anything in most cases.


Certainly that isn't a realistic example, but extreme differences like that should tell you how critical the problem of rates can be. Often magic classes can be thrown to the dogs on getting the absolute worst rate losses in any game, but in turn are usually given appropriate power for the loss. That won't work here, or magic classes would be OP one shotting things. Insane power like that is never a good idea no matter how weak the tank. The only other option is thus returning the lost defense, which I believe is the best way to balance for this PT.

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Would it even be possible to give a skill like Death Ray a critical rate? I don't know much about skill formulas and if it were even possible to make a spell have a crit rate. But it seems that their biggest PvP downside is the inability to crit...since without crit you can't get those fun one-shots, or said spike damage. With consistent damage being the problem since people won't be surprised by a sudden loss of HP and can expect the consistent, casual loss of HP.

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no thanks to add critical at DR. this skill is no delay and fast.

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no thanks to add critical at DR. this skill is no delay and fast.


This skill will never be OP. do you play a mage?

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no thanks to add critical at DR. this skill is no delay and fast.


Considering the skill comes out about just as fast as Fighter's Avenging Crash, maybe a slight bit faster if you ignore the fact that AC hits twice...I really don't understand your argument. Not to mention the considerably lower damage of DR in comparison.


Not to mention Chain Lance, Vengeance, Grand Smash, etc. etc. which are all about just as fast, have good damage and can crit.

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Before we continue, i'd like to say a thing to all melee players:


You'd think make will get overpower if it changes, but pleaso go to pvp, sod, and to the exp maps to check out how mages really are, or do play a mage, or even simply read all the discussions. You'll notice mage really need many improvements. mage really need to improove much because they didn't improove anything since their AoE got improved, and after that, all clases got some sort o AoE and other improvemens.


So, don't bother posting if you don't know nothing about the magician's situation.

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