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15 minutes ago, Combreak said:

About IC..




Need 1 PRS for VL or Regen for help little ^^

yes maybe, but @Followme said 3hs.


1 hour ago, thisisrauldo said:


hmm maybe for that one eye mob?


Maybe, but with an active prs or mg or any char you don't need lurer for them... if i'm not wrong....

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Ok see:

The point of color red is a position of killers 

The point of color blue is a position of leech ( if have lurers want exping other acc)

The semicircle of color green is the maximum of moobs can follow of lure  and depend of  killer position, have radio ( this is variable because i don't sure what is a "real position" in virtual hs3, this is variable)

The lines of color black are the walls and obstruccións 

The lines of color yellow are the road of lurers (if party want get more exp) can use lurers offside the party


Killer of hs3 position need adjusted depend of you want...

Killer of hs1 can't get exp of killer hs3 if killer of hs1 stay in mid off "hs1" and vice versa because depend of party radio and the position of both... ( if want 3 hs  need  coloqued killer in the corner and get 1 more lure for hs1 for get the maximum of experience)

I'm sure can use this strategy for get alot of exp because no-one use it.

I'm sure if all are killers and killers of hs1 are in the corner and have 3 lure free, experience rise like foam.

I'm sure if you can exping leech, like AD3 this is a great strategy so if you party want only get the maximum experience only in the leech don't need the lure in hs1 ? only hs2 and hs3

2.- the party are full to killers... Like DIQ if you want get experience fast u need a party and if this strategy works... Like DIQ again because without lure cannot be fasted the DIQ or not?

3.- unique diference is for up your char need 3 killer as minimum and 2 lurer offside the party ? 

I hope if have others hs like post COMBREAK i think too need lurer for get MORE EXP or not? Go to hs3 of DIQ? or Go to Iron Core?





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Well, first 0 leechers, i hate leechers je, your strategy is really hard to make but i tried after the maintenance.

I did 2 hs in there and is less exp than DI, i get 206bi each hour with exp pot (DI is 100bi every 18-20 minutes, so is 300bi in 1 hour with exp pot.).

I even tried 2 in hs2 and 1 in hs 1 or 3 but since pt penalty i get better exp in duo than 3 people, i loose about 40bi per hour if i add one more killer.

I tried with my friends when the server come back and see if i get the exp you said.



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On 11/6/2018 at 12:23 AM, marce2125 said:

Maybe, but with an active prs or mg or any char you don't need lurer for them... if i'm not wrong....


hmm if im not mistaken, prs' meteorite might reach the "one eye" mobs without need to move, so u don't need a lurer, but I think Stone Spike from MGS doesnt reach them. So, if someone is using auto click with virtual machine, maybe the person lures those mobs with the main pc, or with another one?? xD but idk how the macro people do their math kwkwkwkwk

  • Haha 1

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49 minutes ago, thisisrauldo said:


hmm if im not mistaken, prs' meteorite might reach the "one eye" mobs without need to move, so u don't need a lurer, but I think Stone Spike from MGS doesnt reach them. So, if someone is using auto click with virtual machine, maybe the person lures those mobs with the main pc, or with another one?? xD but idk how the macro people do their math kwkwkwkwk

That's why i said "active"  :P, you just move the mage and kill them xD.

And you are right SS doesn't reach them 

  • Haha 1

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22 minutes ago, Daegun said:

I just downloaded this game, is it currently under maintenance?


yes it is, darling. For the 7th day now x)

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por favor servidor , não nos de esperança falsa. fala o dia certo q vai estar liberado o server . por favor 




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