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Thanks for update

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1 hour ago, Lightspeed said:

so that way, if it really ends up taking 4 days, you still come back on line a day early and the folks who only come here to bitch about why isn't the server up won't be stressing that it wasn't up on day 5, hour zero. lol.


I loved this part hahaha

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1 hour ago, Lightspeed said:

It must be pretty huge, hope it goes smoothly. My suggestion is to simply keep doing this, it'll please the fans, and in fact my suggestion is to follow the principle of under promise/over deliver. If you expect the maintenance to take 3 days realistically, then say 5 days, so that way, if it really ends up taking 4 days, you still come back on line a day early and the folks who only come here to bitch about why isn't the server up won't be stressing that it wasn't up on day 5, hour zero. lol.


If it's going to take 10 days, say two weeks.


+1 +1 to this part XD


nice text

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Who said I clicked every 4 hours?
I'll click every 2 hours. =p

I'm looking forward to the news.
Thank you very much to the whole Wartale team.

Edited by celesty
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Sure, perfect. Besides all criticisms (mine included) they keep transparent and honest with us.


Also thanks for the little clues about the ongoing of the maintenance here in forum. ?

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Totally agree with you all but sometime thing just more complicated that what you can see :).

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