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Server rules - waiting for gm response

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I would like some clarification from gm's about this.  With regards to macro / bot / afk playing, on the server rules it says perm ban is the only punishment.


Macro / Botting

Automated play to level-up or hunt is never allowed and will be punished

Punishment: Permanent Ban UPDATED


But I also know theres this at the end


Staff reserves the right to punish a player for any reason, not just those described here, if they see fit. Although this is not used very often.


Is there any circumstance where there would be a different punishment?  What is the criteria that would warrant a different / lesser punishment?  Will lock this waiting for gm to respond.




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I dont think there is any exception anymore. But I cannot say for sure.

One exception that I have seen is when the botter/hacker/whomever give us their exploit so that we can block it. (They will ofc still get punished but it's a lesser punishment most of the time.


I hope that you are satisfied with this answer.



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