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About New loot filter

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hello everyone,


i would like to discuss with anyone interested on it about the new loot filter.


after testing the new loot filter in game, i found it one great evolution the new commands on screen... now it's much more easier and pratical to setup. 


so, it was one good change in one good feature, the result is obvsiously handsome. 


the only not so good point i can see and would like to discuss is the fact that there is now one fee to use loot filter... 


i think it's reason is clear and it's supposed to help with the gold-coins price balance in game. 


as a player, i understand how important it is to keep the game economy healthy and under control. 


but, also as player, i felt it REAL BAD to see such a hella amazing server feature wich was free to use becomes paid feature from night to day. 


i think it would be much better if adm could raise the price of anything else in game we do already spend gold with, instead of charging gold for something that was for free before. 


idk if it's possible, maybe  the fee of item repair could be raised to cause more gold spend from players and would also reduce the profit from farming tons of items in lower lvl hunt map and selling it for NPC.


what does you guys think? 



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I do think it sucks that new players dont have the gold to pay for the loot filter and they are the ones that could really use it.  higher levels should have no problems coming up with the gold to use one and high levels would only use it really when they are in xp map or lower maps during events.  i think maybe that the loot filter could possibly be free and un-tradeable/un-sellable for anyone under level 80, similar to how event girl with stat and skill reset is (i know she is up to level 100) but when you get to level 75 and can go into CT2, you should be able to get the gold pretty easy for loot filter from there.

Edited by jcompher
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Hi there,


Thanks for taking time to make this post however, the item will remain as it.



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