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Loot Filter

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Any chance on getting loot filter again on game config without the 5 hours new item?


I believe something like this deserves a pool among the community to decide whether the changing is good or not. I personally didn't like it. Loot filter is very important when you try to farm on ordinary maps, if you are a low level then it becomes way harder... and this is something so silly but really help players, mainly new ones, why charge for something like this? I didn't get the point, making gold in the game it's not easy for all classes, it's getting really boring to farm now... so again WHY change something that was fine into something to give as a HUGE headache? 

Edited by witch05
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Actually, i think gm should increase the value to 27.5kk and decrease the time to 3hours :)

Why? To **** with macroboys and autoclickers! :)

Edited by testador

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It will be good if the Loot Filter stays active in chars under 132


Above 132 the Loot Filter on menu disappears and can be bought only by shop.

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1 hour ago, Lyseria said:

It will be good if the Loot Filter stays active in chars under 132


Above 132 the Loot Filter on menu disappears and can be bought only by shop.

I'm not agree with you in this one, if the make free in 132- ,all macro made 132- chars and we get the gold problem increase.

I'm with the staff in this one, we used to play without it.

It's all our fault, we (as community) abuse of this feature and destroy the whole economy of the game in the process, i know all pay the price for a few ones.

But the healthy of the economy is priority.


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On 11/12/2018 at 3:59 PM, marce2125 said:

I'm not agree with you in this one, if the make free in 132- ,all macro made 132- chars and we get the gold problem increase.

I'm with the staff in this one, we used to play without it.

It's all our fault, we (as community) abuse of this feature and destroy the whole economy of the game in the process, i know all pay the price for a few ones.

But the healthy of the economy is priority.


Yes, I extrapolated to level 132, but it could be something around level 100 or maybe 110. I see two situations for the macroboys to create mules to use the loot filter:


1 - Use in CT3 to pick up gold and items with spec.


2 - Farm event items.


A solution to this can be done in the same way as the recent update on the gold drop, where anyone who is 20 levels above the map doesn't drop anything, let's be tough on this too.


I don't know if there are macroboys that lend themselves to programming macros to loot gold at iron 2, i saw many low-lvl chars looting gold with autoclick and loot filter on, also using crystals to train. It helps a lot to gear up your character at the beggining.


Anyway, the staff will not change that new way to use loot filter and it makes no difference to me, but i think it's unfair with the new ones who are starting.

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I play low level characters and the disappearance of the loot filter is not pleasant at all. 

There are so many drops overlapping that it's very hard and often impossible to pick up a specific item. 


Without the loot filter I cannot pick up all the gold that drops because other drops are blocking it. The same if I need specific potions. 

So I feel it doesn't serve it's purpose. If gold is suppose to drop alongside items I should still be able to pick it all up. But I can't. 


Why not reduce the options within the loot filter, like gold? Perhaps have a more expensive loot filter you can purchase with gold to get more options. 


If I play my MS and I can only get MS items, gold and potions dropped then that reduces 90% of the clutter. 


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the loot filter was a horrible idea on the part of the wartale team, I hope they will come back to that decision and return the loot filter the way it was, because it is already difficult to make gold, and is acceptable, but make the filter loot a paid item and something bad, especially for beginners ...

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Make loot filter free again and Increase the repair fee for all items in the game.


- constant gold drain from all players

- stop gold farming through selling drops to NPC

- increase variety of items in shop

- increase gold value

Edited by MadTale

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1 hour ago, MadTale said:

Make loot filter free again and Increase the repair fee for all items in the game.


- constant gold drain from all players

- stop gold farming through selling drops to NPC

- increase variety of items in shop

- increase gold value

-1 - is not enough increase the repair fee.

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18 minutes ago, marce2125 said:

-1 - is not enough increase the repair fee.



well it only depends of how much they'd increase it... 


they can incrase it 1% and make no effect at all or rise it up 100% 200% 300% and gold evaporates from server. 

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but you have to think in the lower levels who play in exp maps too, the broke their items fast than others.

And the guys who farm in for exp. ct3 the made 100kk per hour, and broke after, so the made too much money.

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Most gold go for aging item and aging stone.

Because 138-140 item it been out for too long.

not many people want to spend alot of gold and stone for item right now.

We need new item for server so got some thing  worth to respec item and aging to 22

Gold will go back up the value like before.

Aging item use alot of gold bar people will spend 6-7gb to aging latest item to+22.


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On 11/19/2018 at 2:47 PM, marce2125 said:

but you have to think in the lower levels who play in exp maps too, the broke their items fast than others.

And the guys who farm in for exp. ct3 the made 100kk per hour, and broke after, so the made too much money.


yeah bro but it isn't a problem 'cause they could even reduce the repair cost for 1x to 10x items and only apply the highter repair values starting from 11x + items


like this: 


level 1 to 100 items = -50% repair cost

104 to 110 items = don't change

114 and 116 items = +20% repair cost

120 122 124 items = +45% repair cost

126 and 128 items = + 70% repair cost

130 and 132 items = + 105% repair cost

134 and 136 items = + 150% repair cost

138 and 140 items = + 205% repair cost


those same adjustments could be applied for both age and mix cost.



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could study back with the gold drop in mistery Forest so it would be interesting for low level players... 

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2 hours ago, Brawltk said:

could study back with the gold drop in mistery Forest so it would be interesting for low level players... 

The problem is the same Macroboys!.

If you increase the gold drop in MF is the same than get back the filter in for example iron 2.


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