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Difference b/t Realm and Unique?

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Hey Guys,



I'm new and have been looking around for the difference between these two servers? Are they exactly the same? Any notable differences to mention?





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Realm is waaaay better. For one thing, mixing in upt is horrible and I couldn't find a thales armor D:


Just play Realm, it's Rawrly epic compared to upt.

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One big difference is that Unique World has existed a lot longer than Realm World.


Oh and the Unique World feature list is a little of.. (Its mainly a copied version of Realm Worlds. In each place where it says "Wartale Unique World Exclusive" it SHOULD say "Wartale Exclusive" (both server has those). However the items found in Realm World feature list that does not exist in Unique World feature list ONLY exists in Realm World :)

I hope that answers some of your questions.


And yea, I must agree Realm is better ::)

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Unique World uses mainly Valento Rings as their currency instead of gold.


And that's retarded because Valento Rings are extremely hard to drop ingame. Which means you won't be able to afford shit unless you donate.


I would advise you to play Realm World.

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^Translation: You wont be able to buy decent gear/stuff for your character because of the "not-so-good- economy of Unique World.

Ofc you can afford shit, but lets face it; who wants shit anyway?

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^Translation: You wont be able to buy decent gear/stuff for your character because of the "not-so-good- economy of Unique World.

Ofc you can afford shit, but lets face it; who wants shit anyway?


You missed the most important aspect of my post. Which is:


Unique World's community is dying because only donators have a chance of being good there. Which means no regular player wants to play there. So, if you want a large & growing community, I'd advise you to play Realm World.


This, is the real translation of my post.

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Aron Ugly

In upt u need money to be stronger, in rpt u need only go hunt to take nice itens.

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Unique world LOL, poor support. Don't bother reporting if your not a donator no GM/Admin or MoD will investigate your problem. I've lost 2 val ring 1 kelvezu , items and gold's due to there server ( DC ). And i never get any support from them. Then i got scam by VN guess what i never got any support again you know why i am not a donator. And one thing it happen when a so called great VN player become part of there staff.

So better playwtif you want PT experience like no other.

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