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Pike any good after Patch?

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As title says,

I was about to main a pike before but people adviced me to avoid because it wasent really good in the endgame.

And i see this recent patch and was just wondering, has pike changed now? is he equal to the rest of the dps classes now?



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i am 142 pike, it is fine to play pike, very hard tho. 


i'd say there is more interesting chars to play.

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1 hour ago, Dior said:

i am 142 pike, it is fine to play pike, very hard tho. 


i'd say there is more interesting chars to play.

Then play other chars. Pike boosted so much and became so powetful, and somehow I see you complain every time.





2 hours ago, Arccai said:

As title says,

I was about to main a pike before but people adviced me to avoid because it wasent really good in the endgame.

And i see this recent patch and was just wondering, has pike changed now? is he equal to the rest of the dps classes now?



For your question, yes, it is, very powerfull, very high damage ,  op area of effect  combo( tornado is like having 260 area, good damage, and venom spear is op af), nice hp formula, nice blocks anr evasion. ( same hp formula as knight, the unsatisfied are usually those who are used to be gods, with hp fornula of a fs)


Good 1v1 dmg ofc, CL, SM, AE, venom spear. new summon, the only thing they lack is tanking many monsters ( 1v1 tanking still nice cause of nice evade and hp).


They can resist freeze effect too ( reduce its effect by a lot) , really powerful in pvp.

Edited by TigerShark22

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31 minutes ago, TigerShark22 said:

Then play other chars. Pike boosted so much and became so powetful, and somehow I see you complain every time.



I Just forgot to ask you who to play.
know why i play Pike ? because it is the hardest.

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After the Project zeus, Pike was very good to up.

Tornado was increased damage boost from 100% to 142% and increased area.

Venom has always been good, but only reaches 8 targets before, and now reaches up to 100 targets.

Pike Pet has not yet released, which is the last Tier 5 skill, so in the 1x1 hunt it's good to use crystal yet.

has the new skill Dodge that you have 100% evade for 3 seconds or at most 5 hits.

also has the new skill T5  "Lethal Strike", which is an attack skill that Pike throws a Shuriken (yes, has range).

Pike is also very good at PvP.


in the topic below, I made a video of my pike in SOD, so you have an idea how to play (in round 7 I do not tank, so I made several combinations).



Hugs !

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6 hours ago, Dior said:

I Just forgot to ask you who to play.
know why i play Pike ? because it is the hardest.


You arent updated then. Change to fighter. 


Anyway , Enigma gave a good general idea of a pike now ( just a note- sod's scores arent as high today as they used to be)

Edited by TigerShark22

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Thanks for the replies!


Yea, awhile ago everyone just recommended to go with KS or FS, but i guess Pike has finally received some blessing then ?

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Oh and also, what skills should i prioritize?

Any "must have" skills?


The general idea will be standard; some pvp and pve.


Please provide a short list of the following that should be maxed, so i dont burn resources on the wrong path.

Really appreciate it!

Edited by Arccai

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6 hours ago, Arccai said:

Oh and also, what skills should i prioritize?

Any "must have" skills?


The general idea will be standard; some pvp and pve.


Please provide a short list of the following that should be maxed, so i dont burn resources on the wrong path.

Really appreciate it!

Tornado, venom spear, weapon def mastery, chain lancer, critical mastery, vanish.


T4-  Vague, shadow master, Assassin eye

T5- attack rating mastery, then choose between shadow clone to lethal strike, depends on you.


Reccomanded to Upgrade them by the order I said :)

Edited by TigerShark22
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14 hours ago, TigerShark22 said:


You arent updated then. Change to fighter. 

That's why i can't sell my pikeman, because no one likes to play it.

it is the cheapest char right now.

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2 hours ago, TigerShark22 said:

Tornado, venom spear, weapon def mastery, chain lancer, critical mastery, vanish.


T4-  Vague, shadow master, Assassin eye

T5- attack rating mastery, then choose between shadow clone to lethal strike, depends on you.


Reccomanded to Upgrade them by the order I said ?

Thanks alot mate ?
I really like that they made a balance patch so that pikeman finally get to stand up among the others ?

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3 hours ago, Dior said:

That's why i can't sell my pikeman, because no one likes to play it.

it is the cheapest char right now.


First- the diff between char's price on high lvls based on classes is low.

2nd, check trade section, so many people are looking to buy a pike right now, and not many people own 1, so the price rised/will rise to be the same, if not higher than others. Happy to help :)

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10 hours ago, TigerShark22 said:


First- the diff between char's price on high lvls based on classes is low.

2nd, check trade section, so many people are looking to buy a pike right now, and not many people own 1, so the price rised/will rise to be the same, if not higher than others. Happy to help ?

you talking about other server probably or you are high 

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3 hours ago, Dior said:

you talking about other server probably or you are high 

Nope, check again. First, 5kc to change class, 2.5kc on black Friday, means no reason that the diff of a naked char will be higher than that. If you are willing to pay, it's your problem.


2nd. Check trade section, how many are buying pikes now? , also how mamy own a pike? Means his value increased already, and is going to increase cause of high demand, low number of products.


I even saw ur offers, ignored prerty good ones , also there are few ways to get your wish, gotta think of how it is possible, not being stuck in 1 place. Just a clue ofc, enjoy wartale!


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13 minutes ago, TigerShark22 said:

Nope, check again. First, 5kc to change class, 2.5kc on black Friday, means no reason that the diff of a naked char will be higher than that. If you are willing to pay, it's your problem.


2nd. Check trade section, how many are buying pikes now? , also how mamy own a pike? Means his value increased already, and is going to increase cause of high demand, low number of products.


I even saw ur offers, ignored prerty good ones , also there are few ways to get your wish, gotta think of how it is possible, not being stuck in 1 place. Just a clue ofc, enjoy wartale!


dude what are you talking about? did you see since when my sell topic is created ? over 1.2k view and 0 offers. the offer you saw 10kk + boss set is just a random bullshiter who never reply.


edit: 1446  views and 0 real offers, don't look at the ones from 2017, because back then i had also a 142 FS which had way higher value than pikeman.


it is fine to play now, but really not attractive like other class that's it. you must really love this char.

Edited by Dior

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3 minutes ago, Dior said:

dude what are you talking about? did you see since when my sell topic is created ? over 1.2k view and 0 offers. the offer you saw 10kk + boss set is just a random bullshiter who never reply.


I did see many things , entering personal stuffs of your trade isnt proper in here , but there were some good offers (more than 1).


Anyway, as you can see , there are good offers,  pike is extremly good, which is what the creator of this topic was looking for, HF!



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What stats do you recommend?

Im curious how much spirit i should get?

Enough to be able to wear Throne set? (80 SPR)

And regarding that set, how important is the MP/HP Regen that comes with that set?

It's obviously the one that offers highest amount of it.


Throne Set - Total

HP Regen : 21,8
MP Regen : 20,3
SP Regen : 5,2

HP : 221 + LV/8
MP : 221 + LV/8
SP : 170


While the other accessories offers more HP/MP, but far less Regen.

So whether Regen is good or not is pretty much what determines this decision.

And so if that throne set is for endgame (permanent) i would consider buying it.

But not if it's gonna be replaced by Guide/Enigma set or somthing, which again offers more HP/MP but less regen.

What do you think?


and also,

whats does DNT mean?

and what differ those items from the rest?

Edited by Arccai

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