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PVP after the Zeus project:



Top 21 

With 10 Shaman

With 05 Assassin

With 06 Pike


Without KS, FS, MS, AS, ATA, MG, PRS



Before Zeus we had 7 strong classes for PVP.

Now we only have 03 classes!

Most players have stopped playing PVP for this.


Please @Wartale balance the classes for PVP.  


In this topic some players suggested something like solution:




Edited by Sananda
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Some suggestions based on the @-Enigma- post





   Tier 1: 


          Wisp: Decrease the duration from 16 seconds to 10 seconds, keep the current cooldown that is 20 seconds.


  Tier 2: 


     Blade Mastery:   Increase evasion to 35-40%. (Assassin can not fight any other face-to-face char)


  Tier 3:


          Finishing Blow:  Decrease damage from 100% to 90%.

          Deception:  After Dmg 55% for 40%. Decrease the Atk rating from 100% to 70%.


     Tier 5:


          Rising Slash: Decrease the damage boost from 195% to 140%. increase cooldown from 8 seconds to 15 seconds

          Violent Stub:  Decrease damage boost from 130% to 115% . increase cooldown from 10 seconds to 15 seconds






     Tier 2:


          Ground Pike : Increase the cooldown from 13 seconds to 17 seconds.

          Tornado: Damage boost /2 on PvP.


       Tier 3

             Vanish: Dmg boost 80% for 40 % pike is the only class that achieves damage over 4k without assassin eye). 


     Tier 4:


           Assassin's Eye: Decrease the critical additional from 46% to 23% (46/2) for other players  (and only put on target in battle zone.) 

And decrease the duration from 16 seconds to 10 seconds, keep the current cooldown that is 20 seconds.


     Tier 5:


          Lethal Strike: Decrease damage boost from 150% to 85%. Extra bonus (running / Weakened) add +30% Atk Rating. Increase the cooldown from 5 seconds to 15 seconds equal to CS / SM.


          Dodge: Increase cooldown from 10 seconds to 15 seconds equal CS/SM.  ( Possibility of Pike take stum to not stay from hits and runs with the safe zone.)






     Tier 3:


          Scratch:  Decrease damage boost from 240% to 200%. decrease the ark rating boost from 50% to 35%


    Tier 4:


          Judgement:  Decrease damage boost from 320% to 280%.


     Tier 5:


        Occult Life: Change from 30% to an additional 15-20% HP.


        Phantom Nail:  Make this skill work like before Zeus in PVP. I do not understand why it was nerf in PVP.




     Tier 1:

          Sword Blast:  Damage boost on PvP /2.


          Godly Shield: Damage Reduction 25% for 15-20%.  (Reduction can not be valid for 2 hands)





     Tier 4:


          Impulsion: Damage boost onv PvP /2.



Edited by Sananda
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hello, everyone.


Just to make it clear to everyone, this was not my suggestion, I go here what I really suggested.

and I'm only responding because they marked me here, and I know wartale staff will fix it.



     Tier 1: 

          Wisp: decrease the duration from 16 seconds to 10 seconds, keep the current cooldown that is 20 seconds.

     Tier 3:

          Finishing Blow:  decrease damage from 100% to 85%.

          Deception: decrease the speed bonus from 18 to 10. decrease the Atk rating from 100% to 50%.

     Tier 5:

          Rising Slash: decrease the damage boost from 195% to 140%. increase cooldown from 8 seconds to 15 seconds

          Violent Stub:  decrease damage boost from 130% to 95% and decrease the critic from 15% to 8%. increase cooldown from 10 seconds to 15 seconds




     Tier 2:

          Ground Pike increase the cooldown from 13 seconds to 15 seconds.

          Tornado: Damage boost /2 on PvP.


     Tier 4:

           Assassin's Eye: only put on target in battle zone.

     Tier 5:

          Lethal Strike: decrease damage boost from 150% to 85%, no extra bonus (running / Weakened),

                                  add + 40% Atk Rating. increase the cooldown from 5 seconds to 15 seconds equal to CS / SM.

          Dodge: increase cooldown from 10 seconds to 15 seconds equal CS/SM.




     Tier 3:

          Scratch:  decrease damage boost from 240% to 200%. decrease the ark rating boost from 50% to 35%

    Tier 4:

          Judgementdecrease damage boost from 320% to 280%.

     Tier 5:

          Occult Life: change from 30% to an additional 250 hp, such as the Fighter's Boost Health skill.




     Tier 1:

          Sword Blast:  Damage boost on PvP /2.





     Tier 4:

          Impulsion: Damage boost onv PvP /2.






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Just now, -Enigma- said:

hello, everyone.


Just to make it clear to everyone, this was not my suggestion, I go here what I really suggested.

and I'm only responding because they marked me here, and I know wartale staff will fix it.




Some suggestions based on the @-Enigma- post

Edited by Sananda

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I have replyed on the other topic as well but
-1 for me Purely because of  Finishing Blow:  Decrease damage from 100% to 90%.
I dont understand this nerf. if anything Finishing blow should get a buff Other then that im okay with these changes.

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Just now, Oric said:

I have replyed on the other topic as well but
-1 for me Purely because of  Finishing Blow:  Decrease damage from 100% to 90%.
I dont understand this nerf. if anything Finishing blow should get a buff Other then that im okay with these changes.


you're free to suggest, I also see no reason to nerf this skill, but I let them not call me impartial.

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Hi everyone,

Thanks for all the input, we are going to have a maintenance soon to address all these.




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If you ask me? make the skills same as on Official servers, because it all begin from people who begin crying back at the day that their class is shit or something.


must undertand, every class must be unique by it is abilities.

When mage became PVPER on this server it was a JOKE, because mage is a support class same as PRS. 

Fighters never been a good XPERS, and here they became better than PS (back to 2002 Fighter would cry to party a pikeman in throne).


anyway after these examples, i understand also that staff trying to "Balance" but in the end of the day it is not balancing, it is pleasing the community doing what they want.


Make this game great again by the original formulas and skills.

this way people will make use of any char.


now days you see PRS as mules only, same as Mages not as a main char.

main chars are the ones for PVP which is sad because this game is not only about PVP.

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -
8 minutes ago, Dior said:

If you ask me? make the skills same as on Official servers, because it all begin from people who begin crying back at the day that their class is shit or something.


must undertand, every class must be unique by it is abilities.

When mage became PVPER on this server it was a JOKE, because mage is a support class same as PRS. 

Fighters never been a good XPERS, and here they became better than PS (back to 2002 Fighter would cry to party a pikeman in throne).


anyway after these examples, i understand also that staff trying to "Balance" but in the end of the day it is not balancing, it is pleasing the community doing what they want.


Make this game great again by the original formulas and skills.

this way people will make use of any char.


now days you see PRS as mules only, same as Mages not as a main char.

main chars are the ones for PVP which is sad because this game is not only about PVP.

seriously?? YOU was the guy crying in the zeus topic because pike was no able to UP in AoE maps, and asked for more range to tornado, which was already HUGE, and now that pike has got OP in both pvp and pve you say, '' mage and priest are meant to be support", and YOU again say that ''private serves ppl are selfish'', i'm quite confused now.

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -
14 minutes ago, Wartale said:

Hi everyone,

Thanks for all the input, we are going to have a maintenance soon to address all these.




good to see, anyway, i would like to see something about thousand of mules in safe zone as well, atm you need Atalanta, priest, mage and archer to go pvp, otherwise you'll be easily overwhelmed, i suggested a few things in old zeus topics.

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1 hour ago, Sananda said:






Some suggestions based on the @-Enigma- post





   Tier 1: 


          Wisp: Decrease the duration from 16 seconds to 10 seconds, keep the current cooldown that is 20 seconds.


  Tier 2: 


     Blade Mastery:   Increase evasion to 35-40%. (Assassin can not fight any other face-to-face char)


  Tier 3:


          Finishing Blow:  Decrease damage from 100% to 90%.

          Deception:  After Dmg 55% for 40%. Decrease the Atk rating from 100% to 70%.


     Tier 5:


          Rising Slash: Decrease the damage boost from 195% to 140%. increase cooldown from 8 seconds to 15 seconds

          Violent Stub:  Decrease damage boost from 130% to 115% . increase cooldown from 10 seconds to 15 seconds






     Tier 2:


          Ground Pike : Increase the cooldown from 13 seconds to 17 seconds.

          Tornado: Damage boost /2 on PvP.


       Tier 3

             Vanish: Dmg boost 80% for 40 % pike is the only class that achieves damage over 4k without assassin eye). 


     Tier 4:


           Assassin's Eye: Decrease the critical additional from 46% to 23% (46/2) for other players  (and only put on target in battle zone.) 

And decrease the duration from 16 seconds to 10 seconds, keep the current cooldown that is 20 seconds.


     Tier 5:


          Lethal Strike: Decrease damage boost from 150% to 85%. Extra bonus (running / Weakened) add +30% Atk Rating. Increase the cooldown from 5 seconds to 15 seconds equal to CS / SM.


          Dodge: Increase cooldown from 10 seconds to 15 seconds equal CS/SM.  ( Possibility of Pike take stum to not stay from hits and runs with the safe zone.)






     Tier 3:


          Scratch:  Decrease damage boost from 240% to 200%. decrease the ark rating boost from 50% to 35%


    Tier 4:


          Judgement:  Decrease damage boost from 320% to 280%.


     Tier 5:


        Occult Life: Change from 30% to an additional 15-20% HP.


        Phantom Nail:  Make this skill work like before Zeus in PVP. I do not understand why it was nerf in PVP.




     Tier 1:

          Sword Blast:  Damage boost on PvP /2.


          Godly Shield: Damage Reduction 25% for 15-20%.  (Reduction can not be valid for 2 hands)





     Tier 4:


          Impulsion: Damage boost onv PvP /2.



@Wartale I really rope you disconsider this nerf in vanish because its TOTALY NONESENSE, others i could agree

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22 minutes ago, Dior said:

Make this game great again by the original formulas and skills.


That is what I always want

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To balance ps, in my opinion, you could change the skill dodge into a 5 min buff that add defense + abs. 

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I feel so sorry about everyone who changed to PS/ASS/SS.

Well, thats the price to pay when a player lacks skills and needs to be always with the strongest character in the game.

And the problems are easy to track:

Hit and Running got extremely efficient. Pike can hit and run away safely, with a lesser but garanteed chance to kill without being killed.

Meanwhile Assassin is always getting kills, with the chance to run away alive.

Shaman is also pretty straight forward - He is a complete character. Tanks a lot, deals tons of damage, has amazing support with increased Attack Speed, has a never failing, point and click and strong slow with Inertia and is a very strong character to exp and make gold.


Edited by DarkLink64
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The worst is when the person has no skills in any char.

Edited by Sananda
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   Tier 1: 


          Wisp: Decrease the duration from 16 seconds to 10 seconds, keep the current cooldown that is 20 seconds.


  Tier 2: 


     Blade Mastery:   Increase evasion to 42%.


  Tier 3:


          Finishing Blow:  increase damage to 110%

          Deception:  After Dmg 55% for 40%. Decrease the Atk rating from 100% to 80%. Decrease cooldown for 10 second


     Tier 5:


          Rising Slash: increase cooldown from 8 seconds to 15 seconds ( Skill bug, have high dmg, but no kill )

          Violent Stub:  increase cooldown from 10 seconds to 15 seconds






     Tier 2:


          Ground Pike : Increase the cooldown from 13 seconds to 25 seconds.

          Tornado: Damage boost /2 on PvP.


       Tier 3

             Vanish: Dmg boost 80% for 40 %  pike is the only class that achieves damage over 4k without assassin eye). 


     Tier 4:


           Assassin's Eye: Decrease the critical additional from 46% to 23% (46/2) for other players  (and only put on target in battle zone.) 

And decrease the duration from 16 seconds to 10 seconds, keep the current cooldown that is 20 seconds.


     Tier 5:


          Lethal Strike: Decrease damage boost from 150% to 85%. Extra bonus (running / Weakened) add +30% Atk Rating. Increase the cooldown from 5 seconds to 15 seconds equal to CS / SM.


          Dodge: Increase cooldown from 10 seconds to 25 seconds equal CS/SM and reduce hits for 4 and duration to 2






     Tier 3:


          Scratch:  Decrease damage boost from 240% to 200%. decrease the ark rating boost from 50% to 35%


    Tier 4:


          Judgement:  Decrease damage boost from 320% to 280%.


     Tier 5:


        Occult Life: Change from 30% to an additional 15-20% HP.


        Phantom Nail:  Make this skill work like before Zeus in PVP. I do not understand why it was nerf in PVP.




     Tier 1:

          Sword Blast:  Damage boost on PvP /2.


          Godly Shield: Damage Reduction 25% for 15-20%.  (Reduction can not be valid for 2 hands)





     Tier 4:


          Impulsion: Damage boost onv PvP /2.

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1 minute ago, Sananda said:



The worst is when the person has no skills in any char.

Talking about yourself?

Was Kayla when AS was extremely powerfull (crit perfo with phoenix speed)
Switched to KS when AS got nerfed
Became a Shaman pilot when Shaman got absurd buffs
Now changed to Assassin when people discovered that they're too broken.


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1 hour ago, DarkLink64 said:

Talking about yourself?

Was Kayla when AS was extremely powerfull (crit perfo with phoenix speed)
Switched to KS when AS got nerfed
Became a Shaman pilot when Shaman got absurd buffs
Now changed to Assassin when people discovered that they're too broken.




Archer was not so broken.


The only archers that stood out at the time were n00b because of their game, level and better items. Gaquemua who played very well in the borders of BC and had crown of BC, Kayla, -VaiMalandra-, among others ..


. I've always liked the AS / KS / PS / ATA / ASS classes.


I've played over 10 years PVP on another server, and I lived alternating between these classes.



Archer was not OP at the time, nerf did not shake anything the archer's strength in PVP. Something between 10 to 20% of fenix demage boost changed, which is nothing! (If I'm not mistaken from 174 to 159% something like this!)



I changed class to KS, because at the time I played in my notbook and the graphic lag was extreme, impossible to play archer, which is a char to hit and run!



I love the KS class as well and especially its new ability of the T5



I can play easily in any class. The changes are not made for broken chars, since the only above-average class in the wartale BC has always been Shaman, and I've never moved to this class ?


Unlike you who keep asking nerf for all classes except for your own, I at least am coherent and asked nerf for my current class.

Edited by Sananda

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1 minute ago, Sananda said:




Never argue with an idiot. They will bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience.


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Just now, DarkLink64 said:




the idiot is more prominent than you, sleep with it. =))

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1 minute ago, DarkLink64 said:

Never argue with an idiot. They will bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience.


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this argument is so old.

combines with everything in you, does not innovate and so is always in the rearguard.

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23 minutes ago, diemurd said:

To balance ps, in my opinion, you could change the skill dodge into a 5 min buff that add defense + abs. 


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