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23 minutes ago, SheT said:

And add stun chance with Dodge skill active

Imo dodge should not work agaisnt any CC that doesnt have damage, like KS stun, FS stun, AS stun, assassin, etc

But also the hit shouldn't count on Dodge remaining hits.

The cooldown should be greatly increased, however if the Pikeman manages to get all 5 dodges before the duration ends, then remove some seconds of the cooldown.

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2 hours ago, SheT said:



   Tier 1: 


          Wisp: Decrease the duration from 16 seconds to 10 seconds, keep the current cooldown that is 20 seconds.


  Tier 2: 


     Blade Mastery:   Increase evasion to 42%.


  Tier 3:


          Finishing Blow:  increase damage to 110%

          Deception:  After Dmg 55% for 40%. Decrease the Atk rating from 100% to 80%. Decrease cooldown for 10 second


     Tier 5:


          Rising Slash: increase cooldown from 8 seconds to 15 seconds ( Skill bug, have high dmg, but no kill )

          Violent Stub:  increase cooldown from 10 seconds to 15 seconds






     Tier 2:


          Ground Pike : Increase the cooldown from 13 seconds to 25 seconds.

          Tornado: Damage boost /2 on PvP.


       Tier 3

             Vanish: Dmg boost 80% for 40 %  pike is the only class that achieves damage over 4k without assassin eye). 


     Tier 4:


           Assassin's Eye: Decrease the critical additional from 46% to 23% (46/2) for other players  (and only put on target in battle zone.) 

And decrease the duration from 16 seconds to 10 seconds, keep the current cooldown that is 20 seconds.


     Tier 5:


          Lethal Strike: Decrease damage boost from 150% to 85%. Extra bonus (running / Weakened) add +30% Atk Rating. Increase the cooldown from 5 seconds to 15 seconds equal to CS / SM.


          Dodge: Increase cooldown from 10 seconds to 25 seconds equal CS/SM and reduce hits for 4 and duration to 2






     Tier 3:


          Scratch:  Decrease damage boost from 240% to 200%. decrease the ark rating boost from 50% to 35%


    Tier 4:


          Judgement:  Decrease damage boost from 320% to 280%.


     Tier 5:


        Occult Life: Change from 30% to an additional 15-20% HP.


        Phantom Nail:  Make this skill work like before Zeus in PVP. I do not understand why it was nerf in PVP.




     Tier 1:

          Sword Blast:  Damage boost on PvP /2.


          Godly Shield: Damage Reduction 25% for 15-20%.  (Reduction can not be valid for 2 hands)





     Tier 4:


          Impulsion: Damage boost onv PvP /2.


Thats crazy, too much nerf in there. You want them to be weak or what?


For pike- ground pike agree

 AE- not that much of a nerf 

LS- too much nerf

Dodge- too much nerf

A thing you didnt add- venom spear- disable it's damage in pvp, 

Tornado- too much nerf, but in overall , you may mean final damage/2.


Also for some reason you forgot the pve aspect , may I assume you only see what bothers you in BC?

Tornado's range- can decrease to 140 area+80 area ( damage beyond the farest target)

Venom spear- can increase area if people/GM find it as a good idea.( in my opinion, 126 area isnt enough).


For ass- I dont have experience with her, cant say much.


For SS- almost OK as is now. Compare him 1 to 1 with other chars, you will see advantages and disadvatages, never OP. ( you act like its ok that evade chars have ridicolous damage), and their tanking is built on evade. SS is easier to hit, but can take more damage. Also less crits than everyone else ( somehow you see only whats comfortable for you). 


Only 1 thing, about inertia:

Can reduce duraction to how much GM/experienced players find fit, in that place I agree.


Just disable buffers from safe zone if u still must- problem solved, its literaly killing the char in all aspects except exp.


KS-  sword blast- *Final damage/2* 

Godly shield- stays as is , no idea how its connected to 3 classes ( not a single ks) being top 21 and wanna nerf ks :" just because" , top 50, 3 knights only, terrible k/d ratio.


About godly shield not valid for 2h- bad idea,  knights will become paper in BC, and everywhere, and it was tried,  totally underpowered in all aspects ( kicked in r3/6at sod if there is competition, cant win unless competing with a mech, cant exp ( not /rarely, accepted and thats because he can somehow take some hits which covers up the fact he has  crap aoe range),cant pvp, in hunt ks is a close ranged, the moment a monster targets him without GS- dead, and will lose to most, if not all chars, in most , if not all aspects ( depends which one you choose).


Even nerfing in %- ks already has a problem in 2h tanking, with even a little nerf,  he will be underpowered ( you never ask to boost his damage, even though archers/,pikes /ass /fs totally win him here, so ofc nerfing his strong point vs them will make him underpowered, good the way it is so people can choose between tanking/dmg).


Mech- *final damage/2 * of impulsion.





Edited by TigerShark22

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Just now, TigerShark22 said:


Thats crazy, too much nerf in there. You want them to be weak or what?


For pike- ground pike agree

 AE- not that much of a nerf 

LS- too much nerf

Dodge- too much nerf

A thing you didnt add- venom spear- disable it's damage in pvp, 

Tornado- too much nerf, but in overall , you may mean final damage/2.


For ass- I dont have experience with her, cant say much.


For SS-  OK as is now. Compare him 1 to 1 with other chars, you will see advantages and disadvatages, never OP. ( you act like its ok that evade chars have ridicolous damage), and their tanking is built on evade. SS is easier to hit, but can take more damage. Also less crits than everyone else ( somehow you see only whats comfortable for you). 


Just disable buffers from safe zone if u still must- problem solved, its literaly killing the char in all aspects except exp.


KS-  sword blast- *Final damage/2* 

Godly shield- stays as is , no idea how its connected to 3 classes ( not a single ks) being top 21 and wanna nerf ks :" just because" 


About godly shield not valid for 2h- bad idea,  knights will become paper in BC, and everywhere, and it was tried,  totally underpowered in all aspects ( kicked in r3/6at sod if there is competition, cant win unless competing with a mech, cant exp ( not /rarely, accepted and thats because he can somehow take some hits which covers up some parts of the  crap aoe range),cant pvp, in hunt ks is a close ranged, the moment a monster targets him without GS- dead, and will lose to most, if not all chars, in most , if not all aspects ( depends which one you choose).


Even nerfing in %- ks already has a problem in 2h tanking, with even a little nerf,  he will be underpowered ( you never ask to boost his damage, even though archers/,pikes /ass /fs totally win him here, so ofc nerfing his strong point vs them will make him underpowered, good the way it is so people can choose between tanking/dmg).


Mech- *final damage/2 * of impulsion.







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37 minutes ago, Sananda said:



Too fast, I bet you even read what I said. I agreed in some points, but nerfing them that much will make them underpowered. Also no idea what an abillity of ks has to do with the fact that other 3 classes have the upper hand in BC .explaines there why godly shield works like that too.



also , 1 of the 3 is there only cause of buffers in safe zone, which can be removed and then we can have comolete balanced, without killing a char in all of it's aspects, plus half of this server who dont BC cause of not being able to log 3-5 buffers everytime, killing 2 birsa in 1 update.


1 last thing- check k/d ratio, isnt so bad when u check it that way isnt it? Its mostly a list of who plays BC more.

Edited by TigerShark22

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10 hours ago, - D E A T H S T R O K E - said:

seriously?? YOU was the guy crying in the zeus topic because pike was no able to UP in AoE maps, and asked for more range to tornado, which was already HUGE, and now that pike has got OP in both pvp and pve you say, '' mage and priest are meant to be support", and YOU again say that ''private serves ppl are selfish'', i'm quite confused now.

me crying ? first chose your words, second my main char since EPT is Fighter, sword fighter.

believe me i know how to grind and work my ass off.

there is a difference between suggestions and crying.

i never changed classes when they were strong after "balance"


so maybe you are the one crying.

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -
21 minutes ago, Dior said:

me crying ? first chose your words, second my main char since EPT is Fighter, sword fighter.

believe me i know how to grind and work my ass off.

there is a difference between suggestions and crying.

i never changed classes when they were strong after "balance"


so maybe you are the one crying.

Hahahaha ok dude

The only thing i know is that in every single topic you are whinning about something.

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6 minutes ago, - D E A T H S T R O K E - said:

Hahahaha ok dude

The only thing i know is that in every single topic you are whinning about something.

i duno who you are, but thank you for following me.

i know a thing or two about this game and kind of people playing it.

i bet you cried so much that you spend your whole wallet to calm down.


now stay a side and let the things flow.

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -
1 hour ago, Dior said:

i duno who you are, but thank you for following me.

i know a thing or two about this game and kind of people playing it.

i bet you cried so much that you spend your whole wallet to calm down.


now stay a side and let the things 

Don't overestimate yourself, i would never follow you, i just have a good memory, so i remember clearly who said what ^^

Besides, i've never spent money in any online game.

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35 minutes ago, - D E A T H S T R O K E - said:

Don't overestimate yourself, i would never follow you, i just have a good memory, so i remember clearly who said what ^^

Besides, i've never spent money in any online game.

Yeah ? then quote where i been whining and not describing, because there is a difference.

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23 hours ago, DarkLink64 said:


Cry all the time, uninstall game please kid

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Now ks op in pvp, no all go cry about ks op and keep this nonesense forever. Bunch of garbage community.

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Is assassin back to an inactive char?

anyone can tell me please

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Good job @Wartale, now we can go back to PvP again!


and how much the complaints, always will have, Do not worry.


Hugs !

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -
7 minutes ago, -Enigma- said:



Good job @Wartale, now we can go back to PvP again!


and how much the complaints, always will have, Do not worry.


Hugs !

indeed,  pvp got way better =p

the only char that is hard to kill atm  with this nerf in shaman is knight, it just does not die while wearing shield, and it just dies in 2 critical hits while wielding 2 h sw, meanwhile he can kill shaman in a double cash with a critical hit + regular hit, or can hit kill a shaman with a charged hit ( holy aura), in the end he can just stay with shield till holy aura charge, then, K.O.


i predict nerf topic in  3 2 1... ????


  • Haha 1

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10 minutes ago, - D E A T H S T R O K E - said:

indeed,  pvp got way better =p

the only char that is hard to kill atm  with this nerf in shaman is knight, it just does not die while wearing shield, and it just dies in 2 critical hits while wielding 2 h sw, meanwhile he can kill shaman in a double cash with a critical hit + regular hit, or can hit kill a shaman with a charged hit ( holy aura), in the end he can just stay with shield till holy aura charge, then, K.O.


i predict nerf topic in  3 2 1... ????



Bro you forgot, mech is op too now cause he can tank, and my archer without evasion skill cant, lets not compare their damage, compare my weakness to his strengh to nerf him :v 

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gm need ur chaange to ass or ps...

plz go change ,.... later new balance ^^

use ur coins or donate more!!!!

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and sananda, reply me....

u cry because ass OP now. more u change ks to ass!


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cry for dying for a character who uses two weapons becomes comic ...

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@Wartale my main class is a pikeman. I also believe it was op on the last update and i believe most of the changes on this patch were good. But the skill lethal strike nerfed from 150% to 70% is way to much. Is there a possibility to leave it on like 90-100%?

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Nerfing occoult life from +30% to +100 , but forgetting SS doesnt upgrade STR?

Scratch from 240% to 220%?


Nerf 1 to that point , but why both? Now SS is really underpowered, lets say you take his HP, at least let him being able to kill. Ignoring the fact that its the only skill SS use ( no finishing skill),  And now in BC he cant tank, at least let him have proper damage. ( also remmber the fact that his crit rate is the lowest of all, and his only state is 1h phantom, no privilledge for more defense in tough times).


Edited by TigerShark22

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and all i do is laugh

i would put all default and make you all shut up babies.

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8 hours ago, TigerShark22 said:

Nerfing occoult life from +30% to +100 , but forgetting SS doesnt upgrade STR?

Scratch from 240% to 220%?


Nerf 1 to that point , but why both? Now SS is really underpowered, lets say you take his HP, at least let him being able to kill. Ignoring the fact that its the only skill SS use ( no finishing skill),  And now in BC he cant tank, at least let him have proper damage. ( also remmber the fact that his crit rate is the lowest of all, and his only state is 1h phantom, no privilledge for more defense in tough times).


GM need to do it because SS too OP

alot of damge

add speed

alot abs defend

slow enemy

alot atr almosy 80-90% no miss

high critical 

after this updated SS more balance now. SS still kill alot char in BC thought but not  tank as God like before.

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