Wartale 7,374 Report post Posted December 9, 2018 Changelog Patch 5057: Skill Balance: Assassin: Alas: Area Evasion changed to normal (Non-Area) Evasion Blade Mastery: Evasion now only works when wearing both Daggers Wisp: Range stat is now progressive instead of a fixed value at each skill level Cooldown increased Violent Stub: Cooldown increased Polute: added Extra Mutant Damage Shadow Bomb: Removed Extra Mutant Damage Damage Boost reduced Burn Chance reduced Deception: Attack Rating Boost stat is now progressive instead of a fixed value at each skill level Visible Distance added and with a higher value than Vanish These AoE skills no longer remove the buff: Soul Shock Gust Slash Pollute Shadow Bomb Rising Slash Shadow Storm Cooldown won't start running until active Deception has ended Cooldown reduced to 15 seconds After Damage reduced to 22% Reduced Damage in PvP of these skills: Gust Slash Pollute Shadow Bomb Rising Slash Shadow Storm Knight: Sword Blast: Reduced Damage in PvP Shaman: Occult Life: Changed to fixed HP increase instead of % boost based Scratch: Damage Boost reduced to 220% from 240% Pikeman: Tornado: Reduced Damage in PvP Lethal Strike: Cooldown increased to 17.5 seconds Base Damage Boost decreased to 70% Dodge: Cooldown increased to 20 seconds Cooldown won't start running until active Dodge has ended Game Features: Added Middle Mouse Button click on Loot Filter icon to toggle it on/off quickly Bellatra Ranking Window at NPC or at the end of the round now shows dead player scores aswell Potions now stack when right clicking them to put them into Warehouse, Caravan, etc. Bugs Fixed: Enchant Weapon effect looking wrong on 2h Swords, 2h Bows Quest Reward in Quest Book didn't take into account the character level Party Quest Level 128 - Tulla wasn't displaying reward information Assassin's Skill Pollute Poison Damage wasn't correctly working Glow in UI wasn't showing if Anti Aliasing is on Deception was staying active even after an attack skill was used Several skills that have a chance to inflict burn/freeze/poison damage were only doing elemental damage if that chance was met, now they always do that elemental damage, even if the chance isn't met Misc: Moved Screenshot Time Stamp location to bottom right for readability Added time left on Account Talisman's Waiting Message 3 4 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites