Action Bar
Action Bar is the new way to manage your Skills and more! It is essential in increasing your battle potential!
Action Bar is a HUD element that you can show & hide using the B keyboard button. In the Action Bar, you assign Skills, Items and Mounts to your short keys. You can have 3 different sets of Action Bars, which makes it easy for you to swap based on what battle you're engaging in.
You can assign your Skills and Mounts in the usual way, which is by holding the mouse button while hovering the Skill or Mount icon and pressing the short key you want to set it to (e.g. F1). And now, you can drag the Skill, Item and Mount icon into the Action Bar slot that you want to set it to, as seen below:
Here's a summary of things you can do with Action Bar:
- Put short keys for Skills, consumable Items and Mounts.
- Lock and unlock it. When it's locked, it will be less distracting and you won't accidentally modify the Action Bar.
- Rotate it, this way you can place it vertically if you so desire.
- Drag and drop Skills, Items and Mounts into the Action Bar.
- You can drag swap the Skills, Items and Mounts around from within the Action Bar too. You remove them by dragging it outside the bar.
- Quickly see which Skill is set on your left or right mouse button.
- See cool down clock effect on Skills, some Items and Mounts.
- See cool down time in seconds (you must enable this in the F10 Settings Window, under Personalization).
- See how many of Items you have left in your Inventory, you can easily refill them and the short key will be remembered as it was.
- Three tabs of short keys, you can alternate between them with the button, Alt+1/2/3 or mouse scroll.
- Double click short keys to use it (you can disable this in F10 Settings Window, under Personalization).
- Action Bar is saved so that it's always as you like it.