There are different kinds of Stones that will help you succeed during the process of aging an item. Some of them are more useful and valuable than others. To be precise there are 5 different Stones that will increase the success of aging an item, and then there are other stones that will prevent items from breaking during aging.
Ripe Stone
- Reduces the chance of failing at aging by 10%.
Aging Stone
- Reduces the chance of failing at aging by 20%.
Elder Stone
- Reduces the chance of failing at aging by 30%.
Arcane Stone
- Reduces the chance of failing at aging by 40%.
Fluence Stone
- Reduces the chance of failing at aging by 50%.
Example :
Aging Stone provides a 20% decrease from failing chance during the Aging process.
Let's say, when trying to Age an item to +14, the chance of failure is 24%. However, when using an Aging Stone, the chance of failure will be reduced to 4%.
It's important to note that the break chance isn't the fail chance; actual chance to break item is much smaller than the fail chance as it includes the possibility of de-age too.
Relapsus Rune
Use 3 at "Mixing Craftsman, Morald" to de-age an Item by 1. Relapsus Rune can be crafted by "Alchemy Master, Yoric".
Copper Ore
Copper Ore does not change the aging success rate, it just prevents the item from breaking during aging. Items can still de-age by 1 or 2 when using a copper ore.
Aging Recover
The Aging Recover is only purchasable through Coin Shop, and it is useful to restore items that broke during the process of aging. However, your item is only recoverable for 30 days after it breaks.
By Wartale
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